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Thread: I am officially in the game

  1. #11
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    Hi Roberto.. That is a very nice start up. I have an offer if interested? Like my friend Tom (sharptonn) mentioned if you had a Barbers Hone maybe you can be coached on it? I have a Pike Swaty Barbers hone that the bottom side is almost spotless, I just lapped it and she is flat and ready for use. I also have a 22 inch long by almost 3 inch wide piece if thick and conditioned cowhide.. They are yours for the taking if you want? I have been helped by many along the way and like to pay forward.. Not sure how much shipping would be to you but if it is too much for your budget at this time? As long as i know you are going to give SR shaving a solid try and if for some reason it isnt for you that you will pass these on as well? I can help pay shipping or cover it.. I will take some pics and post in an hour or so then let me know if you have unterest?
    Thanks, Scott
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  2. #12
    Senior Member MrHouston's Avatar
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    Good advice all around. If you need a bit more than polish for specific rust spots, you can gently use 0000 steel wool with polish.
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  3. #13
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    Pictures of Barbers Hone & Strop... As seen it is a single piece of leather and i would leave to you as to.adding the hanging hardware.. Unless you wanted a few holes punched?.. Name:  20190615_233112.jpg
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    I have not seasoned the hone as you can see its dry.. You could use oil, soap, water, etc.. I would leave that to you.. The leather has a nice medium draw right now but if you want it faster i will sand it for you and get it quicker if preferred... Scott
    Last edited by TCMichigander; 06-16-2019 at 03:44 AM.
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  4. #14
    MAW is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    Those are both thinly-ground. I think best to take above advise and use polish at this time.
    Getting them acceptably clean and you shaving is the priority. Plenty of time for learning restoration later.
    Now how to get them honed ? An old barber is a great idea. Someone with the proper hone and knowledge.
    OR, if you can find a coticule or barber's hone, we may be able to coach you from here.
    I took your advice guys (that is why I am here) and tried an all metal polish paste from Merguiar and the result was amazing,not restoration needed by now, in the near future minor damage in scales, some remain rust at back pin area and pin excess clearance will be attended.
    Next in the schedule, honing but in the meanwhile keep on searching and learning until the shaving time arrives.

    What do you think ?
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  5. #15
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    PM me... I will get some location info and go to PO monday to see the price on shipping this hone to you... Scott
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  6. #16
    MAW is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by TCMichigander View Post
    Hi Roberto.. That is a very nice start up. I have an offer if interested? Like my friend Tom (sharptonn) mentioned if you had a Barbers Hone maybe you can be coached on it? I have a Pike Swaty Barbers hone that the bottom side is almost spotless, I just lapped it and she is flat and ready for use. I also have a 22 inch long by almost 3 inch wide piece if thick and conditioned cowhide.. They are yours for the taking if you want? I have been helped by many along the way and like to pay forward.. Not sure how much shipping would be to you but if it is too much for your budget at this time? As long as i know you are going to give SR shaving a solid try and if for some reason it isnt for you that you will pass these on as well? I can help pay shipping or cover it.. I will take some pics and post in an hour or so then let me know if you have unterest?
    Thanks, Scott
    I have not words to express my gratitud for your offer, with those I will have a complete deluxe starting package, a crazy thing if you think that only a few days ago straight razor shaving was a little idea clicking in my head.
    I have been around for a while now as I said in a previous post I own and use a chinese straight razor style (the kind that you insert half save blade in it) and even shave my head sometimes with cuestionable results just for the pleasure of the idea.
    I will be honor if you donate them to me and of course I will give them the proper use, as a matter of fact this afternoon I was talking with an old barber near home and we were discussing about free hand shaving and he show me his old razor a small black Fhoso and told he me that he did not use anymore because it was dull and he lost the honing stone among other things but he will be glad to teach me if he could find it.
    I short that could be a hell of a present for father's day we will be celebrating tomorrow here in Venezuela.
    I am not sure yet about personal mailing trough the forum but I can provided to you a shipping address in Florida and from there I can manage the shipping to Venezuela at my own cost of course
    Thanks one more time.
    I know it is not near as fantastic as your offer but just to retribute in someway the kindness of the people in this forum I can offer a certificate of warranty (small piece of paper that comes inside the box) of a Kama razor, I know it is not too much but maybe some one here has some interest in it

    One more time thanks


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  7. #17
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    Hi Roberto....You are helping me in a way too... As I promised to pass along items that were given to me starting out.. Lot of guys on this forum who go by the "Do unto others" code...PM me where you would like these sent to in Florida and i will send them oit Monday and give you a tracking #... Now if you are looking for the best coaching on using the hone? I will leave that to other forum members .. lol
    Happy to help you out man!....

  8. #18
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    Just recieved your PM... Just let me know .
    Take care!

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