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Thread: Any Advice will be gratefully received

  1. #81
    STF is offline
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    Hi Guys,

    Well, I just had my 35th shave and thought it was time to let you all see how I'm getting on.

    I am always grateful for any advice you can offer.

    This video is 17 minutes so it's about 5 minutes longer than the other two. If you get bored just turn it off, I won't mind (much).

    I will upload another shave at 50 shaves. I don't want to do it too often and get a rep for being boring LOL.

    Anyway, have a look and if you see something that will help me, I can't wait to hear.

    By the way, I know I was using the razor spine first when I talked about honing, I spotted it as I watched it back. I don't actually do that when I use the stones in anger.

    Thanks guys

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    - - Steve

    You never realize what you have until it's gone -- Toilet paper is a good example

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by STF View Post
    What’s a coticule edge?

    This was my question

  3. #83
    STF is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhoenX View Post
    This was my question
    Hi, I guess you already read the answer but just in case.

    From randydance062449

    "A Coticule is a specific type of hone referred to as a Belgian Coticule. They are quarried in Belgium and have been used since Roman times.
    They leave a rather comfortable edge on the razor but take some practice to get the most out of them.
    Be aware that all Coticules are not the same”.

    Last edited by STF; 12-12-2019 at 02:02 AM.
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    - - Steve

    You never realize what you have until it's gone -- Toilet paper is a good example

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by STF View Post
    Hi, I guess you already read the answer but just in case.

    From randydance062449

    "A Coticule is a specific type of hone referred to as a Belgian Coticule. They are quarried in Belgium and have been used since Roman times.
    They leave a rather comfortable edge on the razor but take some practice to get the most out of them.
    Be aware that all Coticules are not the same”.

    Yes, I have been reading the great advice here. Appreciate the answer, regardless. = )
    rolodave and BobH like this.

  5. #85
    STF is offline
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    Hi all,

    I think I am able to offer everyone here some advice today

    A while ago I when I only had one razor and a shavette as a backup, Outback (Mike) generously sent three very sharp razors.

    Now I have a small rotation of 11.

    I keep my razors in one of the drawers in my jewellery box in he bedroom and after shaving put it on a little razor stand to dry fully before I put it away.

    While I am putting my now fully dry razor away I get out the next razor in my rotation and put it on the stand ready for the next days shave.

    Thats the stage set

    The next razor in the rotation that I got out ready happened to be a Kruiss Brothers Demon square point that Mike had sent me and had made so sharp it was frightening when I first shaved with it. It is still ridiculously sharp actually.

    Mike had muted the square so I could get the hang of a square point a bit more safely which was a great idea.

    Anyway before I went to bed last night I picked up the razor and was feeling how smooth the muted point was and how amazingly sharp the edge was.

    I learned a couple of things last night and this is where my advice begins.

    1) Never feel how sharp your edge is at midnight with your finger.

    2) Never play with your razor at midnight after a few too many.

    3) It is truly amazing how much a person can bleed after a few drinks.

    4) Don't tell your wife what happened unless you want to learn what she really thinks about the relationship with playing around with a razor and low IQ.

    - - Steve

    You never realize what you have until it's gone -- Toilet paper is a good example

  6. #86
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    That is a good story of what not to do.
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  7. #87
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    There's a reason why it has the name "Demon", Steve.

    I warned ya.!

    Reminds me of when I was 5 or 6 years old. In the middle if the night I thought it a cool idea to take all the DE blades out of the cartridge that held them. Then cut up all my fingers trying to put them back in, before dad caught me.

    Low and behold, my butt ended up as red as the bathroom floor, when all was said n done.

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