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Thread: Any Advice will be gratefully received

  1. #1
    STF is offline
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    Default Any Advice will be gratefully received

    Hi Guys,

    I have had an immense amount of really helpful advice from fellow members at SRP.

    I thought I really ought to actually let you see me shave. It's time for the dogs to see the rabbit

    Any advice will be most welcome, as long as it's not sell your razor LoL.

    This was only my 12th shave and I thought I might do this again at 20 shaves so you can see my improvement, then 30 , 40 etc.

    Anyway, excuse the poor quality I did it in the bathroom with my iPad balanced on a box.

    - - Steve

    You never realize what you have until it's gone -- Toilet paper is a good example

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  3. #2
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    Glad to see you are using both hands, I definitely would stick to it and you will get the hang of it in no time. If that edge is extremely sharp I recommend getting a second razor with a coticule edge. IMO coticule edges don't last as long but I feel like they are very friendly edges/harder to cut yourself with. If you do get a coticule edge though I wouldn't recommend shaving with it if you have over 3-5 days of growth as it might struggle more than a sharper edge ( great friendly daily shaving edge though ).

    Also, your shaving angle got a bit steep sometimes. I would try to lower that angle and watch videos of what angle others are using. (I use about the width of the spine but sort of varies)
    outback, STF and PhoenX like this.

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to Christian1 For This Useful Post:

    STF (10-18-2019)

  5. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Steve, that reminds me of how nervous I was when I started to teach myself how to shave with a straight razor. That is all perfectly normal too. You will eventually get more comfortable with it just don't try to push it too hard for now.

    We all shave slow at the start so you might want to just lather on section at a time to keep the lather from drying out on you. Regarding the lather, you may want to add a bit of water slowly to make it less dry and slicker too.

    Try puffing your cheeks out and really stretching your neck by looking up and jutting your chin out.

    Hard to tell if you had much of a gap between the spine and you cheeks. Around 1 to 2 spine widths should do for starters. I thought going against the grain on your neck you had a bit much of a gap. That is when a smaller gap could be helpful.

    All in all you are doing better than I did at the point in my straight razor shaving career. It takes about 100 shaves/3 months to get comfortable and decent at it. Slow and easy does it.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

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    STF (10-19-2019)

  7. #4
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    I think Bob has said about what i would say. More water, lather less of the areas to keep it from drying and relax. You act so nervous it made me nervous to watch you. Lol.
    RezDog, STF and PhoenX like this.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  8. #5
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Fantastic, bringing back some great memories on how fun it was to climb that curve, to turn a task into an experience, and one I still absolutely enjoy almost 7 years later.

    Great job, 20 shaves is a definite benchmark, then it becomes easier and easier and you start to further refine your technique to your face, the spots that are trouble, and your own method.

    Has RAD consumed your life yet? :-)

  9. #6
    STF is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post

    Has RAD consumed your life yet? :-)
    I’ve got a feeling I am going to catch RAD from you guy’s, I'm already in the forum most of the day.

    - - Steve

    You never realize what you have until it's gone -- Toilet paper is a good example

  10. #7
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by STF View Post
    I’ve got a feeling I am going to catch RAD from you guy’s, I'm already in the forum most of the day.

    How many razors do you have at this point?

  11. #8
    Senior Member DoughBoy68's Avatar
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    The first time I tried to shave with my left hand (I'm right handed) I cut the crap out of my finger on the hand I was using to stretch the skin, got the scar to prove it...........
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    "If You Knew Half of What I Forgot You Would Be An Idiot" - by DoughBoy68

  12. #9
    STF is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    How many razors do you have at this point?
    As of right now I have Just one and a shavette for emergencies but Outback has been so amazingly generous and has 2 smilers and a square point in the post to me.

    I will honour his incredible generosity by paying it forward to another beginner as soon as I get a few more of my own.

    - - Steve

    You never realize what you have until it's gone -- Toilet paper is a good example

  13. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to STF For This Useful Post:

    BobH (10-19-2019), Gasman (10-19-2019), markbignosekelly (10-19-2019), outback (10-19-2019), ScoutHikerDad (10-19-2019)

  14. #10
    STF is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christian1 View Post
    Glad to see you are using both hands, I definitely would stick to it and you will get the hang of it in no time. If that edge is extremely sharp I recommend getting a second razor with a coticule edge. IMO coticule edges don't last as long but I feel like they are very friendly edges/harder to cut yourself with. If you do get a coticule edge though I wouldn't recommend shaving with it if you have over 3-5 days of growth as it might struggle more than a sharper edge ( great friendly daily shaving edge though ).
    What’s a coticule edge?

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    - - Steve

    You never realize what you have until it's gone -- Toilet paper is a good example

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