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  1. #11
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by honedright View Post
    This may go against what you read in many posts here, but you really should never go against the grain. Or at least do it rarely, maybe as a last resort to get that BBS, if you must...
    Preferably shave with the grain and be happy with your results. Over time, and with practice, you will get better, and your WTG shaves will be more and more acceptable to you.

    ATG shaving, in general, is prone to problems. Why practice a bad habit?

    Thank you Scott.... I forgot to point this out in my post but I totally agree here!!!!!

  2. #12
    Senior Member sebell's Avatar
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    Thank you Scott.... I forgot to point this out in my post but I totally agree here!!!!!
    I read this and thought, "Hmm. I don't recall breaking out my standard
    anti-ATG tirade in this thread, but I'm glad you agree!". Of course, Scott
    has mirrored my sentiments exactly.

    - Scott

  3. #13
    Certifiable bbshriver's Avatar
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    I'm curious about the no-atg thing?
    I have a lot of the whiskers that grow very close to the skin, and if I don't go atg you cannot tell I shaved. It's always been this way, part of why I switched to wet shaving instead of electric... with the Gillette sensor, I always had to go atg (basically did the same "3 pass" routine many here talk about, wtg, then xtg, then atg). If I rub my hand over these areas wtg it feels bbs... but looking in the mirror I can still see plenty of dark hair, and rubbing atg can definitely feel it. It's like it's recessed into my skin.

  4. #14
    Senior Member Huskysibe's Avatar
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    I am in the military and am required to have that BBS shave every day so I absolutley have to do an ATG pass. I am a new str8 shaver and I can say I have successfully went ATG the first 2 times I tried it. My tips are as follows:

    - Re wet and re lather your face. Do this in sections so the lather doesnt dry up.
    - I hold the razor between my thumb and forefinger, almost feels like holding chopsticks.
    - Stretch the skin
    - Go Slow!!!!
    - Go Slow!!!! You getting the point now LOL
    Concentrate on blade angle and go slow and you will do just fine, trust me. I completed my first successfult ATG pass on my 2nd str8 shave ever. It only gets better from there!


  5. #15
    Newbie Str8 Shaver cwrighta70's Avatar
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    I know what you mean, bbshriver. I must not be getting as close as i think, because it LOOKS good. But running my hand across my neck and chin reveals stubble. I hate that!!

    On a side note, I have noticed that my shaves are very pleasurable when going WTG & XTG. But as soon as I try ATG, my skin is breaking out. Am I applying too much pressure on these passes? Or maybe the stropping has worn out at this point?

  6. #16
    Cheapskate Honer Wildtim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cwrighta70 View Post
    I know what you mean, bbshriver. I must not be getting as close as i think, because it LOOKS good. But running my hand across my neck and chin reveals stubble. I hate that!!

    On a side note, I have noticed that my shaves are very pleasurable when going WTG & XTG. But as soon as I try ATG, my skin is breaking out. Am I applying too much pressure on these passes? Or maybe the stropping has worn out at this point?
    Re-stropping could help, but I think you are breaking out for the same reason you probably did with a multi blade razor. It is cutting the hairs below the level of the skin resulting in a pocket that collects oil, becomes infected and bingo! a zit.

    I stick to a WTG and an XTG pass unless its a special occasion. And with practice this results in a shave that is every bit as close as most guys get with a disposable going against the grain. You might say it get my face military close. I have gone back and retried all my old shaving system since going straight, and none can match the closeness of a straight XTG pass unless I use a DE and do WTG ATG and then polish and thats a lot more time consuming and harder on my skin.

  7. #17
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    Actually disposable straights are pretty damned sharp unless you're using crap blades.

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