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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default reporting a few happy shaves!

    I started this adventure just before vacation so I took my equipment with me to spend some quality time with my blade n' hide. That first week was a little scary and shaving seemed interminable, but I got only a couple of mild cuts and did have lots of fun.

    Since I've been back I have had a couple of really happy shaves: closer in some ways to my previous DE work, and less close in others, with only mild irritation.

    It's clear I'm still a newbie, however, because my shaves this last week have felt worse. More tugging, less slicing. I came to the forum tonight to ask questions, but the Newbie forum had all the same questions with almost all the answers I needed, all on the first page!

    I'm going to try more stropping. I have a TM latigo/horsehide strop. I do 30 passes on the latigo side followed by 20 on the horsehide side. I'm going to up that and see if it helps. I've heard of the "draw" on a strop. What does that feel like? My stropping doesn't feel different from beginning to end.

    After that, I may investigate a strop with paste. I have a fast growing, coarse beard and maybe my razor could use a touch up. I'm taking it slow, however, trying not to change too much at once.

    Thanks to you other newbies for asking the same questions I was having, and thanks most of all to those who answer the questions!


  2. #2
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Sounds like you are making good progress. Thanks for stopping by and posting on your progress even if your questions were already answered. It's encouraging to be in the company of others who go through the same thigns.

  3. #3
    JAS eTea, LLC netsurfr's Avatar
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    Congrats on getting some good shaves.
    Also, congrats on a great choice for your strop. The TM latigo/horsehide is a great combination.
    You asked about draw. If you strop your razor slowly on the red latigo strop you should notice more resistance than when you strop on the horsehide.
    If you find that your strops are not quite doing it, you may want to try some cromium oxide on a starter strop.
    It is just for fine polishing but will often restore an edge that is just starting to pull slightly.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Default using CrOx on starter strop

    Hi Steve,

    Thanks for the answer. Yeah, I got a lucky break and Tony was seeling his combo hide strops just as I was needing my first one. It's a beauty! At best I would say it delayed my SAD by a bit.

    I did get a starter latigo strop from Tony and I just ordered some Cr Ox from Chris L. I was wondering if I could use Cr Ox on the starter strop as opposed to buying a paddle.

    Would I apply it to the front/finished side or the back/unfinished side? Dare I ask for opinions about a Cr Ox paddle vs. a Cr Ox strop?


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