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  1. #81
    Babyface Cornelius's Avatar
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    Thanks, Bart! I cant wait for those to arrive back (slow European mail services...)

    In the mean time, I bought another, supposedly super duper blade, a Friodur NOS from a guy in Germany who had a few available, apparently. Well, this one is my dullest blade yet! People in the German forum raved about how "sauscharf" (super sharp) these are. I doubt mine is honed at all
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  2. #82
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    I have yet to receive a razor that was sharpened by anyone that met my expectations. When I send a razor out be honed it is to get the bevel correct. One can get by with various methods that will keep a razor sharp and shave ready for months but eventually you are going to have to learn to hone and get the material to do so. What is expected from a razor are varied because of differences in beard density, thickness, and so on. A razor that is "tuned up" for me may only be fair for you. YMMV came about because of the differences that we all experience and the expectations that we all have being different.

    For instance, I have razors that are very sharp and after a certain period of time performance drops off. I can shave with a pretty dull razor because of the techniques that I have developed in the short time that I have been using straights. I still get a good shave but I know that it is time to go to a freshly honed razor. My expectations are very high and seem to get higher every month so it just depends where you are at in the journey for the "perfect shave" but it is a nice journey so enjoy it.

    Corn that is one beautiful razor! WOW

    Take Care,
    Last edited by riooso; 01-17-2009 at 03:25 PM. Reason: Razor bling

  3. #83
    Babyface Cornelius's Avatar
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    I got the razors back from Bart this morning
    I just shaved with the Holeka and it was the best shave ever! The blade felt so smooth on the skin yet cut through the beard very easily and felt very comfortable. I have no neck irritation at all - that's a first!

    Thank you so much, Bart!
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  4. #84
    The only straight man in Thailand ndw76's Avatar
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    Is there something about women's hair that makes it fail the HHT. I have tried this on the odd hair my wife leaves laying around and my dovo fails almost every time. However, I am more than happy with the shave it gives me. It seems to give a better shave every morning.

  5. #85
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ndw76 View Post
    Is there something about women's hair that makes it fail the HHT. I have tried this on the odd hair my wife leaves laying around and my dovo fails almost every time.
    I don't know, but Scott has decided to take on that challenge
    PS you said your Dovo fails your wife's hht almost everytime: how many times has it succeeded? to me, that is a feat already that it succeeded once!

    Obligatory disclaimer: if it shaves well, don't worry about the HHT
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  6. #86
    Babyface Cornelius's Avatar
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    Shaved with the Sheffield razor and my face felt burnt. I PMed Bart who told me he found it could use some more keenness after coming off the coticule so he finished it on a Nakayama. The razor was definitely sharp, but did not feel comfortable. Hard to explain. I've followed Bart's advice and took a break today to check again tomorrow. I'll also stop trying out shaving creams at the same time to factor out cream type, but I have a feeling my face likes the coticule.

  7. #87
    The only straight man in Thailand ndw76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post
    PS you said your Dovo fails your wife's hht almost everytime: how many times has it succeeded? to me, that is a feat already that it succeeded once!

    Obligatory disclaimer: if it shaves well, don't worry about the HHT
    The one time it did pass I think I might have rigged the test a little
    If you slice the edge across the hair close to your fingers it can work. But now I don't really care about the HHT. It works well anyway.

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cornelius View Post
    Shaved with the Sheffield razor and my face felt burnt. I PMed Bart who told me he found it could use some more keenness after coming off the coticule so he finished it on a Nakayama. The razor was definitely sharp, but did not feel comfortable. Hard to explain. I've followed Bart's advice and took a break today to check again tomorrow. I'll also stop trying out shaving creams at the same time to factor out cream type, but I have a feeling my face likes the coticule.
    Good thinking. You never know, it's unlikely, but not unheard off that someone doesn't digest a particular soap/cream well.

    Did your face was red and irritated for a prolonged period, or did the razor just felt burning during the shave?
    I hope it will be better tomorrow. Give it a good stropping, go light on the pressure and keep the shaving angle on the conservative (low) side. That blade was very sharp the last time I saw it.
    I was actually expecting that the Sheffield would stand out, of the three I honed, as I already suggested in my PM earlier this week.

    Good luck and keep us posted,

  9. #89
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Looks like you finally are getting convinced that a sharp razor is not enough for a good shave. And yes, stop varying things. You need to learn to shave and contrary to what every new thread with the 'key component' may lead you to believe, the limiting factor in almost all cases is the skill of the person.

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  11. #90
    zib is offline
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    I can't believe this thread went on and on, and no one stepped in and caught that the original post, he said he got a crappy razor from a member, and nothing was said. I thought that was a big No No on this forum? I mentiond once that I bought a razor from a member that had a nick in the blade, I got blasted off the forum for saying it was a member, and also got responses that said, I probably did myself. I don't get it. To top it all off, I contacted the guy, He's a former member, he told me he never once shaved with it, so he didn't know about it. I was just looking for advice and boy did I get it. So, I guess different rules if you live across the pond?
    Last edited by zib; 01-22-2009 at 03:46 AM.

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