Results 11 to 13 of 13
01-21-2009, 02:51 PM #11
second or third try. it's pretty hard to screw up a shave with a cartridge razor. first razor I ever used was a Mach3, and when the blades are new, they actually shave pretty close.
01-21-2009, 05:56 PM #12
Yeah, but as soon you start growing a real beard those blades only lasts 2 shaves... According to my chart, keeping a Mach3 with blades at that pace you need to spend 380€ a year on blades. The fusions are supposed to last a bit longer, so if you get 3 shaves out of a blade then it's 450€ a year. A DE which gives 5 shaves per blade would cost about 34 € a year. If you then add the lather needed for the cartridges, and a Harris soap for the DE, the cost ends up at 470€ and 540€ (Mach3 and Fusion) and a wimpy 44€ for the DE. The straight only requires soap once you have all the kit you need to maintain the razor, so it's only 11€ per year.
01-21-2009, 06:18 PM #13
Disposable razor are expensive, whether it be Mach 3, Quatro, or fusion. That's part of the draw to straight razor shaving.
I love these posts where guys say they "tried to go back" and cut themselves to pieces. That's rubbish. Those disposable razors are trash, but they are idiot proof. If you cut yourself or tear up your face with a disposable razor, you have no business picking up a straight razor.