Quote Originally Posted by joke1176 View Post
First off: you can strop 20-50 times on linen before EVERY shave without negatively impacting your edge. Linen is abrasive, but not that abrasive.

Secondly: if it's starting to pull, and you are able to shave and strop correctly (as it seems in your post), then your edge must be getting dull....right?

If so, then you need something to sharpen it. Since this is posted in the newbies section, I think a pasted abrasive strop should work well for you. However, if you use that pasted strop, you will still have to hone it eventually.

It only prolongs the inevitable... you must buy a hone. Or lots of hones, if you get the addiction like so many others.
So true, so true! If you can find a decent barbers hone it will keep the razor sharp indefinately, If you havent been stropping on the linen/canvas before the leather, please do so.