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  1. #1
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    Default Best Shave yet and Question about ATG/BBS

    ATG Questiion at the bottom if you want to scroll down

    I had my best shave with a straight so far today. This is the first shave i have had where i could just relax and listen to NPR while i did my thing.

    I usually dont have a shower before, but i'm heading up to columbus for a bacherlor party and it is my last chance for a shower

    I washed my face with an olive oil bar and massaged it into my beard for about 1 minute. really seemed to soften up the hair more than normal

    ..but on to the shave.. i'm babbling.

    SuperLather - Cheap VDH soap that "improved" by melting, adding glycerin/essential oil & Proraso

    1 Pass WTG
    1 Pass XTG
    1 pass just on the chin/neck area going XTG the opposite direction.
    Cold Water/Witch Hazel/Lotion

    This was the best shave i have had so far. I think i did a much better stropping and the razor cut cleaner. Used a more aggressive angle(probably closer to 30 for once). Really concentrated on making sure every area i shaved was strechted.

    Q: My shave today would probably be considered a good shave and fine for work. It was not BBS. Is it possible to achieve BBS without ATG? I am not going to attempt it until i can almost shave blind WTG/XTG

    Thanks again, sorry about the novel. i need to improve my writing skills.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Mike7120's Avatar
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    Congrats on your best shave yet.

    I have to go ATG on my jawline or I will not get BBS. All other areas on my face I can do a WTG and XTG pass and get BBS.

  3. #3
    Just one more lap... FloorPizza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slartibartfast View Post
    Q: My shave today would probably be considered a good shave and fine for work. It was not BBS. Is it possible to achieve BBS without ATG? I am not going to attempt it until i can almost shave blind WTG/XTG

    Thanks again, sorry about the novel. i need to improve my writing skills.
    There are certain areas of my face that I can get BBS with XTG, but not all. Some guys can occasionally get BBS WTG.

    As for the novel... keep em coming! That's why we're all here.

  4. #4
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    As other members more experienced than I have said, it is better to have a comfortable shave than to have a red swollen BBS close shave. XTG works well in most places, but if you have to go ATG then touch up those particular areas and leave it at that. Don't go for a full face ATG pass if you don't have to. I hope this helps.

  5. #5
    comfortably shaving chee16's Avatar
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    i usually do WTG then XTG, then another XTG from just my sideburns to chin with my mouth wide open (this one is just a personal preference) and then i do ATG on just my cheeks and side burn area with a lot less angle and very little pressure. if i do ATG anywhere else it is usually with hot water only (which mixes with the shave cream residue) and it tends to be the jawline only. sometimes i don't even do ATG if i am pressed for time. hoep this helps.

    Good luck and it sounds like you are doing pretty well so far, so keep it up!

  6. #6
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I can't get a perfect BBS without going ATG on the two tiny spots on either side of my Adam's apple and a lot of skin streching....
    It just isn't worth it to me on those two spots, nobody else can tell, except me really trying to find an errant whisker....
    So I now coin the term APBBS Almost Perfectly Baby Butt Smooth

  7. #7
    Senior Member sebell's Avatar
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    No BBS for me -- I just can't do it. Plus, even if I did manage to
    coax the whiskers beneath the skin, they would make their way
    back out 45 mins later.

    I think the answer is -- it depends. Stick with WTG/XTG for a
    long time, then give ATG a try (carefully).

    - Scott

  8. #8
    JAS eTea, LLC netsurfr's Avatar
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    I find that I can get pretty close to BBS with additional cleanup using XTG passes. So, I like the newly coined:
    "APBBS Almost Perfectly Baby Butt Smooth."

  9. #9
    Mostly Harmless mlangstr's Avatar
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    I like the novels, so please keep them comming.

    I get bbs only when i go atg.
    But i agree, apbbs is better than bbbbbs(bloody, burned but baby bum smooth)


  10. #10
    Senior Member jszabo's Avatar
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    congrats on the great shave i can get bbs sometimes by only doing two passes but i have to stretch the skin extremely tight

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