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  1. #1
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    If you bought it off ebay and the box wasnt even opened yet...then chances are the razor was never honed before and is not shave ready anyway so in that case I would send it out to someone here on the forum to fact some may even help you out for just shipping costs....

    Ill let experts answer as I am extremely new.

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  3. #2
    Senior Member fpessanha's Avatar
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    Send the razor out to be honed. You can go to the classifieds section here and find someone there who can hone it for you. Chances are it's not shave ready and that the ding on the blade will come out easily. That's what I'd do. And if you do, you won't regret it: Dovo "Best Quality" are very nice razors and are, indeed, great shavers. My first razor was one like that an is still one of my best shavers. I just love it to bits and is one razor I'm sure I will not part with... Good luck!

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  5. #3
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    Thanks for your feed back, I was thinking that was the best solutions to make sure it's fixed properly.

    Thank you

  6. #4
    comfortably shaving chee16's Avatar
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    +1 on the first razor and still a great shaver.

    the best option is to send it out to be honed for sure. that way not only will the ding get fixed, but when it comes back you will be absolutely certain that you have a shave ready razor, which can be a problem for person that is new to SR shaving. i was a stubborn newbie and insisted on learning to both shave and hone without having a shave ready example (mostly because i am impatient) and it is not the most efficient way of doing things.

    so how big is the nick, just for curiousity sake. is it the whole width of the bevel, 1/2,etc.

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  8. #5
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    I can't hardly see it in normal lighting. I have to hold it at just the right angle to see it. The noticeable part is in the shave, as I have very sensitive skin and can feel where there is part of the blade dragging in the wrong direction. It's more like the very tip of the edge near the point is rolled just in one area. So I'm not sure, how else to explain it.

  9. #6
    comfortably shaving chee16's Avatar
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    well i am no expert, like the other guys on here, but i would say if it wasn't stated as shave ready when you bought it then you have to get it honed anyways so you only have one choice. if it was shave ready when you bought it, then considering how stubborn i am, i would experiment with some good stropping to see if things smooth out a little. i have shaved with blades that have small dings in them before and found them hard to notice, and i too have sensitive skin.

    so i guess your mind is made up for you then eh

    just wait til you get it back shave ready and give it a try. huge difference for sure.

    good luck.

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  11. #7
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    The eBay seller did state that the straight was shave ready so I took his word for it...
    I will try some stropping tonight see what happens, if all else fails I will send it to Lynn to be honed.

    Thanks again for eveyone's advice, its greatly appreciated and needed

  12. #8
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Hmm, a sealed box means either of two things
    1) sealed at factory
    2) sealed at SRD after honing

    In either case there should be no chip on the edge, SRD are not infallable, but chances are very slim that they missed it.

    In any case stropping will probably not fix it. I don't have a particularly sensitive skin, but I can tell if there are chips.

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  14. #9
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Maybe I'm missing something here.

    You bought it from someone off Eboy and they said it was shave ready and it was in a sealed box from SRD. So unless they had been told it was shave ready from SRD or they (the seller) was ripping you off that's how it should be.

    Since you opened the sealed box and there was an issue I would contact SRD and see if they will hone it for you. Even though you were not the original buyer they might at least give you a discount. You have nothing to lose by asking.
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  16. #10
    zib is offline
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    Out of curiosity, did you strop before you used it. I once had a Duck with a chip in the bevel. When I stroped it, it left a noticable line in my strop, tipping me off to the chip. I had to look at it under a magnifying glass or loupe to see it. Very easy fix...I'm sure Lynn or one of the other Honemeister's wouldn't mind helping you out at all. Where are you?
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