Second shave:

Tried the second razor. I don't like the way it handles quite as much. Still a great shave on the cheek areas, but having trouble with the neck.

My neck hair grows away from the center of my throat, directly pointing at the bottom of my ears. I can get it relatively smooth WTG, but XTG and ATG are really hard (read: I can't) to do.

The repeated tries caused a bit of burn just to the right and left of my Adam's apple.

Aside from that, shave time was down to 25 minutes with no hurrying. Comfort with feedback from the blade is growing and confidence (not recklessness, but familiarity) is coming smoothly.

For the first time in my life, I can't wait for hair to grow.... Maybe I'll have to shave my legs.....

Thanks guys for the good welcome and observations