Checking in to let you all know my progress. I had to let myself heal up for a couple of days since I really cut myself up badly trying to do my chin before. I did a search in the forums looking for advice on how to shave my chin and found out that I was using a D/E angle for shaving with my straight. I reduced my angle from 30 down to 15-20 and had a decent shave. Barely acceptable but only 3 cuts/weepers. My stropping is coming along well too. I started out slow stropping and it didn't take too long until I had started to build up speed. I wasn't trying to speed up, it just happened. The straight now feels very smooth to me as opposed to the edgy feel that it had before. I still need to work on everything but it is really coming together now. Thank you all for the advice and I'm sure that I'll have more questions.