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  1. #11
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    I got myself a 2 1/2" Fromm strop (23" long) off Amazon - they're made by the Illinois Razor Strop Co, so have a reputable history, and aren't too expensive. I paid around $30US for it with free shipping, and it does a good job.

  2. #12
    Senior Member shorynot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mbwhoosh View Post
    RupRazor - Strops

    the "filly" is $20 and I believe the owner is a member here so you can get answers to any questions. Haven't used it personaly but I'm sure people who have will chime in to reassure you of its quality.

    Also TM (tony miller strops have the option to pay and extra $8 to add a practice strop to the order that way you only pay shipping once get a practice strop to tear up and a nice strop for when your ready.

    hope this helps, good luck!
    The Filly is working out well for me, its my first strop ever and i dont really have much to compare it too. But it seems to keep the edge on both my blades i have right now. He also ships all his strops with the rough side pasted, this will help you to touch up your edge every week or so. And hopefully keep you from having to ship away your new blade too soon.

  3. #13
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  4. #14
    Senior Member khaos's Avatar
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    Not too sure. Looks like the Fromm Illinois ones... but it could be crap or it could be money. Doesn't look like it would be FANTASTIC, but I'd say its probably okay. If I were you'd I'd probably go for the similarly priced Fromm Illinois strops that are known to be serviceable. This is what I did

    If I were to start over I'd get a filly from Kenrup NO DOUBT. DO DOUBT. Cheap, good (he has sent me leather samples as I am considering his two better strops) and functional. Plus others have been getting good results, so... Can't argue with that.

  5. #15
    Senior Member mbwhoosh's Avatar
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    lets see $10 shipping + $2 for insurance + $1 (if it stays that way) from a seller with only 8 sales (I shouldn't talk since I only got 5) and not even 100% satisfaction w/ only 8 sales!Also you don't even know how they shipp thier product (if you shipp a strop bent the wrong way or at too much of an angle it ruins the strop) I say its a $13 (min) crap shoot.

    Go cheap and get the "filly" which comes w/ a pasted side for touch ups and from someone from this forum and well respected who knows what thier doing!

    Or go a little more pricey and get a TM which comes w/ a practice strop for next to nothing and again is a member and knows plenty about thier craft.

    Also somwhere in the middle is SRD ( which is middle priced and from what I hear also great quality.

  6. #16
    Senior Member khaos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mbwhoosh View Post
    lets see $10 shipping + $2 for insurance + $1 (if it stays that way) from a seller with only 8 sales (I shouldn't talk since I only got 5) and not even 100% satisfaction w/ only 8 sales!Also you don't even know how they shipp thier product (if you shipp a strop bent the wrong way or at too much of an angle it ruins the strop) I say its a $13 (min) crap shoot.

    Go cheap and get the "filly" which comes w/ a pasted side for touch ups and from someone from this forum and well respected who knows what thier doing!

    Or go a little more pricey and get a TM which comes w/ a practice strop for next to nothing and again is a member and knows plenty about thier craft.

    Also somwhere in the middle is SRD ( which is middle priced and from what I hear also great quality.
    In retrospect my first strop worked bu tit taught me what I need a strop, and what I need is not what I have. I would much rather have spoken to a strop maker, told them what I'm looking for/asked them what I would need or like and gotten exactly what I need, with a practice strop (TM) or just bought a cheap, high quality strop (Kenrup) to learn on then choose my next strop. I ended up doing this anyway, with a $30 strop that isn't even up to par on the Filly. The Filly even comes pasted!

  7. #17
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    "Go cheap and get the "filly" which comes w/ a pasted side for touch ups and from someone from this forum and well respected who knows what thier doing"

    Im sure this is an awful question, but what does 'pasted side for touch ups' mean? I generally thought that you used both sides every time you strop, the linen side first and then the leather side...

  8. #18
    Senior Member mbwhoosh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheYtseJam85 View Post
    Im sure this is an awful question, but what does 'pasted side for touch ups' mean? I generally thought that you used both sides every time you strop, the linen side first and then the leather side...
    There are no bad questions everyone has to learn.

    after about a week to a month, depending on how rough your beard is, your razor will start tugging even if you strop it. At this point it is advisable to use either a very fine grit hone (swaty, keen kutter, 12k, coticule), you may have seen them mentioned around here, or to use pasted strops (paddle or hanging) to touch up your razor.

    You use the pasted strop same as a normal one then linen then leather. It is essentially very very light honing and only needs to be done as stated above weekly to monthly YMMV.

    Pasting a strop - a photo tutorial - Straight Razor Place Wiki

  9. #19
    Senior Member khaos's Avatar
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    The Filly does not have linen I believe. One side will be paste, the other leather of a single piece of leather. Linen/canvas/wool etc is not necessary. A good stropping on leather should be fine, using the paste every now and then.

  10. #20
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheYtseJam85 View Post
    the B&B razors are junk and i'm pretty sure so are the strops.

    Quote Originally Posted by khaos View Post
    Linen/canvas/wool etc is not necessary.
    I disaree. According to more experienced people the canvas side is important for keeping the razor sharp more than a week or two. A paste, esp. on a hanging strop removes metal a lot faster than a newbie should be using.
    Glen likes the illinois 827, that's relatively inexpensive, certainly within your budget at $30 or so.
    Last edited by gugi; 07-22-2009 at 01:50 PM.

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