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Thread: Sharpening the razor

  1. #11
    zib is offline
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    Hi Gary, Welcome to SRP and Congrats on being married for 45 years. That's an accomplishment in itself. I didn't read all the other responses, first, Don't worry about the HHT. I wish they get rid of that all together. The proof is in the pudding as they say. If your getting good shaves, that's all that matters. If you want to take your blade to the next level, try some pastes or a higher grit hone. More affordable options would be the Chinese 12k, A slow cutter, 100 passes is the norm, 50 with a slurry. The Naniwa 12k, an excellent hone, a bit more expensive. Escher's and Coticules, Escher's are rare and hard to find. We had a slew of them come through this forum a few months ago. Now we're in a dry spell. Coticules can be had at various vendors and there are some on the Classifieds. I'd recommend a reputable source as no two Coti's are alike. Shapton's, great hones, very expensive. The gear needed, so I'm told, I.E. Holder, the special lapping plate, etc.. cand exceed the cost of the actual hone by 5x. You can most definitely use a shapton without all the expensive toys that go with it.

    Chromium Oxide paste is excellent and for sale at many vendors in various forms. I like the big crayon at SRD. It's easy to use, If you can color, you can use it. You'll need a leather strop or paddle strop, or some balsa wood, or even a newspaper can be used. Chromium Oxide or CRox, or Cr02 as it's known will give your blade a much keener edge. Diamond pastes and sprays are avialable too, the most poplular are .50, 1.0 and the imfamous .25 which many guys claim leaves their blade so sharp, it irritates them. You have the Dovo pastes too...

    You can shave on an 8k, as you know, but using one the finisher's I've mentioned will bring your blade to the next level....

    Also, getting your blade honed by one of our Pro's here will give you a bench mark to shoot for. That way you'll know what sharp is. Check the classifieds, vendor's corner. All are good. If you'd like more detailed info on any of the hones I've mentioned, drop me a pm, I'd be glad to help you out.

    Last edited by zib; 09-10-2009 at 03:47 PM.
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  3. #12
    Senior Member sarend's Avatar
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    Sir, I feel your pain. I shave WTG and XTG with my SR. I shave ATG with my Merkur DE. My SR is sharp enought for an OK shave, but not to the caliber of what we read within this forum. You and I just have to hang in there and keep at it; we will get it.

    Hopefully, you will not feel alone knowing I am going through the same challenges as you. Take care and good luck.
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  4. #13
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    all this newbie can say is that i cut myself less with a blade that is not overly sharp but srtill get a nice shave. super sharp i am not interested in.

  5. #14
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    I'm glad i found this thread, i was on the verge of giving up and selling my whole kit, life just seems too short to spend an hour each day trying to get a razor sharp enough to shave.

    I don't know what goes wrong, in teh past I have had some great, clean shaves, I have a couple of razors that never seem to want ot quit, then for a the past two months they all pull and hurt and even though I can get a good clean shave eventually the chin is just a horrible stubbly mess.

    I went back to my DE out of frustration and fell in love again. Okay, not quite as close, but clean and ready to go in under 5 minutes.

    So I reckon my problem is the stropping, I have 3 strops, all good makes, and none of them have a flat surface, you can see where the blade has moved along them in a certain light and it covers about 1/3 of the surface at any time. It's always the stropping that makes the blade duller. One is almost as it came new, one has been soaked, rubbed with glass, lathered, sanded, treated and rubbed by hand daily, one is half way between the two, no difference, they all behave the same way and seem to dull the blade.

    Not so long ago i could strop fast and light and get a killer edge, for about two days, now i can't even shave with the edge.

    Personally I find the hair test great, i use a chest hair and if it pops that all the way along I will get a good shave, if it splits or doesn't cut then no chance.

    I have all teh kit, some really good old razors, hones: coticule, thuringian, barbers hone, chinese 12k, norton 4/8k, tam o shanter, i can get a great edge honing but that's it. Even the Cro Ox isn't helping now.

    I am glad to see i am not alone, it seems straight razors have more mood swings than . . . well let's not go there, but I'm sure they have PMT most of the month.

    Practice, practice, practice.

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    wi0v (09-13-2009)

  7. #15
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    Default Great Information

    Well I don't know where to start. Most everyone has great advice on how to get the straight Razor sharp and I've tried all them, that's not to say I'm doing it correctly. I'm most interested in the strop suggestions. I have a new leather strop and use it every time before shaving but frankly, don't know if it helps or not.

    The basic question is what is a great shave. The old razor seemed to give a good shave but I really like the satisfaction of shaving with a Straight Razor. So that's what I'm trying to master. I may be getting a good shave and don't know it. I've purchased a razor from a professional and it seems to pull and leave stubble like the one's I've "tried" to sharpen. I guess I'm more critical of my shaves now than before. You tend to except the save you are getting after 40 or 50 years and I guess maybe I'm expecting more from the Straight razor than I shood.

    Finally, thanks for all the great advice. One suggestion I particularly liked was the idea of using a old style single edge blade as the test to get the feel on your thumb of a really sharp blade. I'm going to give that a try and will let you know how it works out.

  8. #16
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    It sounds to me as if its in your stropping technique or blade angle as you shave.
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  9. #17
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    If your honed razor is performing the same as one honed by a pro, sounds like the fault may not be with the blades.
    Welcome to the learning curve.
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  10. #18
    Senior Member Howard's Avatar
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    I've come not to like any test but shaving my face. The hanging hair test, fingernail, ball, etc. are very subjective and differ from person to person. The reason you're honing the razor is to shave your face so go ahead and give it a shot and you'll see if it's sharp enough. The Norton 4k8k will only take you so far. It's a good stone to learn on but you'll want to graduate to a better finishing stone.

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to Howard For This Useful Post:

    wi0v (09-13-2009)

  12. #19
    Honer wannabe! olbez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wi0v View Post
    Well I don't know where to start. Most everyone has great advice on how to get the straight Razor sharp and I've tried all them, that's not to say I'm doing it correctly. I'm most interested in the strop suggestions. I have a new leather strop and use it every time before shaving but frankly, don't know if it helps or not.

    The basic question is what is a great shave. The old razor seemed to give a good shave but I really like the satisfaction of shaving with a Straight Razor. So that's what I'm trying to master. I may be getting a good shave and don't know it. I've purchased a razor from a professional and it seems to pull and leave stubble like the one's I've "tried" to sharpen. I guess I'm more critical of my shaves now than before. You tend to except the save you are getting after 40 or 50 years and I guess maybe I'm expecting more from the Straight razor than I shood.

    Finally, thanks for all the great advice. One suggestion I particularly liked was the idea of using a old style single edge blade as the test to get the feel on your thumb of a really sharp blade. I'm going to give that a try and will let you know how it works out.
    Hey there, if you want, for the cost of postage, I'll gladly hone your razor for you and then you can compare if higher grit hone or technique or both are something you need to invest in.

  13. #20
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    To the op, maybe before you get a 12k, you might want to consider a 1k or equivalent. If your bevel is not set, you can polish all day but it wont be sharp. Using a 4k is doable but may take a very long time if the razor is off. And it literally can take hours if the spine is bent or the toe is short etc. Magic marker test is the first one I use as this tells me how far the blade is from sharp. Regarding the hht tests, I use them and it is one of the ways I know Im advancing on the progression. Thats the reason why I use it. I have to pass hht off the 8k or equivalent or Im not done. And I need to pass it at a higher level after the 12k or equivalent. And then crox and then 50 laps on leather. Every step gives me a better hht and that shows the blade is progressively sharper. The ultimate and only relevant test is the shave test. But I have never had as good a shave as I have with a blade that passes the hht test. Looking at the bevel with a 30x jewelers loupe shows you lots. And the thumb nail test and thumb pad test as well as the hht. I think they are very important as progress is able to be measured. Obviously not every one agrees on this. But saying it feels sharp is an opinion, cutting a hair a half inch from the tip of your finger with no pressure or swiping means to me the shave will be good. Not passing reveals to me Im not done, and that usually means I missed something at a lower grit than I am on. My 2 cents.

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