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  1. #11
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Cleaning lady eh? You must be a rich guy so in that case I'd just throw the razor away and buy another-Just kidding.

    Try some metal polish,I like simichrome or you can try some cape cod polishing cloths and see what happens.
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  2. #12
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    Your story brought a tear to my eye. If your razor just needs a new edge, I'll be happy to hone it for the cost of postage. It sounds like you're in London too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Straightface View Post
    This is all terrific and reassuringly consistent advice. Thank you. And it was quite right for Old_School to chastise me for inappropriately venting at my cleaning lady. After all, who am I to criticise her lack of knowledge; I'm only one step away, posting in Newbies Corner.

    I think the plan is:

    (a) soak in baking soda / water [action since complete] and dry out
    (b) clean with maas
    (c) send off for honing
    (d) visit Geo F Trumper's on Curzon St for a shave in the meantime [I live in London]
    (e) Offer pay rise to cleaner if she can learn to strop better than me [which shouldn't be hard].
    (f) Review Newbies Corner posts every day.


  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by 59caddy View Post
    good rule of thumb, do not leave straights around so others can get at them easily or warn everyone to "keep yo cotton pickin' hands offin my blades"

  4. #14
    zib is offline
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    Let me clarify, If she used an ACID BASED CLEANER, do the baking soda rinse, just dip it a few times....that will nuetralize the Acid.
    Don't worry about your razor getting wet, it shoudn't cause any harm...I rinse my blade as I shave...They get wet all the time if you use shave cream and soap. Just allow it to dry. Your goal is to neutralize the chemical reaction. You want to prevent further damage, that stuff could be eating away at your spacers, pins, scales, blades...If you don't it couldl cause further damage. Black spots on metal could be from acid, could be....Big Could.......I've seen it before...Find out what she used...

    No disrespect to anyone. Take all suggestions with a grain of salt.

    And Good Luck....

    Last edited by zib; 11-18-2009 at 05:03 AM.
    We have assumed control !

  5. #15
    Junior Member MintyFresh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Straightface View Post
    (f) Review Newbies Corner posts every day.
    This has become the first step in my daily shaving routine now.

    I'm afraid of even looking at the edge of my blade wrong for fear it will get angry and chip or something.

  6. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    You all are so right; the poor dear who soaked the razor over the weekend should be rewarded for her concern about total cleanliness. Hopefully next time the cleaning person will use something that will assure complete and thorough asepsis - like bleach. Certainly your clothes get boiled; can your other accouterments be expected to be any less clean?

  7. #17
    Hibernator ursus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce View Post
    You all are so right; the poor dear who soaked the razor over the weekend should be rewarded for her concern about total cleanliness. Hopefully next time the cleaning person will use something that will assure complete and thorough asepsis - like bleach. Certainly your clothes get boiled; can your other accouterments be expected to be any less clean?

    Or better yet, start wearing medieval plate mail and have it autoclaved every evening. There's nothing as luxurious and smooth as chainmail briefs

  8. #18
    v76 is offline
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    I think she may have been inspired by the "Barbicide" jar... just soak it in, leave it in and it's clean! Which is the case with combs, not razors.

    I don't think the scales will warp - ebony is a very dense wood and I never saw any water damage on fingerboards or tuners (the latter, which are more or less the same thickness as scales) from years of working as a luthier. If you're REALLY concerned about them AND handy, you can put them in an oven at a very low temperature, with some weight on them so they stay flat, but that's really as a last resort and not at all necessary.

    Definitely don't fire her AND learn to respect her. Education is key: you were visibly lucky enough to get where you are and not everybody were born into that.
    Last edited by v76; 11-18-2009 at 06:25 PM.

  9. #19
    Senior Member welshwizard's Avatar
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    Like everyone has said, you shouldn't fire the cleaning lady. Running a business has taught me that now and again people will use their initiative and find ways to mess things up that you never dreamed possible. At least she now knows that cleaning your shaving gear is not in her job description. It's good that she didn't cut herself. As for the razor, I doubt if much harm has been done.
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  10. #20
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    I don't know, but depending how she is otherwise, I might fire her. Not in a mean way at all, it's not like she did something terrible, but that sounds like a pretty thoughtless thing to do, so who knows how thoughtless or half assed she does other things. Have you had her around a while or is she new?

    I've never had a cleaning lady (or the money to even think about it for that matter :P), but I would think they would just clean things and make sure everything goes back in a nice neat clean manner. That's basically the opposite of leaving things sitting in puddles of liquid. And maybe it's just me, but if I were cleaning someones house, I wouldn't even be messing with their razors. Does she mess with your toothbrushes and stuff too (an actual question, like I said, I've never had a cleaning lady)? That would be gross.
    Last edited by TheFinerThings...; 11-19-2009 at 05:44 AM.

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