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  1. #11
    Hones/Honing/Master Barber avatar1999's Avatar
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    With a strop, you can keep getting great shaves for a while. Make a pasted balsa strop or use newspaper to strop if you like as well.

    When those no longer work, send it out and have it touched up. You should be able to shave for several months before that happens.

  2. #12
    Junior Member
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    Regina, SK
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    Hey guys,

    Since I want to be able to perform most upkeep on my razors (basically with the exception of restorations, repairs to chipped / damaged blades), I'll go with the Gold Dollar and Filly combo. It's not exactly feasible to ship out razors from here for every little thing (not many honemeisters in Canada, let alone around here. Shipping / customs / tariffs from the US add up quickly).

    I figure if I'm gonna learn how to upkeep my blades, if I'm gonna damage one (or strop for that matter ) it's probably best to do it to cheaper stuff, instead of a nice Dovo or TI. Then, once I'm experienced and know what I'm doing, upgrade to nicer stuff if I like.

    Thanks for the info guys, god knows I'll be popping in here tons for advice and questions.


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