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Thread: Need help

  1. #1
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    Default Need help

    I have a shave ready straight that I received from Kenrup. I finally got around to using it for the first time this morning after practicing stripping etc on a throw away razor.
    Problem is, it pulled like crazy. It did cut whiskers but with a lot of pulling. Couldn't even shave my chin (where my beard grows thickest). I have excellent beard prep because I've been a DE shaver for years. I figure I must have messed the edge up just enough with stropping to give me this morning's trouble. I have Kenrup's Filly strop with CrOx paste on one side. Also the razor has no blunting, etc and still passes the HHT no problem so it can't be that bad yet.
    My question is, can I get the shave ready edge back with laps on the CrOx if I work on my technique more.

    Thanks for the help!

  2. #2
    zib is offline
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    Hi, and Welcome. Where are you in the Country...? I'm in Jacksonville, Fl.
    Anyway, if you got the razor from Ken, you should be able to shave with it out of the box, Crox you shouldn't have to even use for a while, weeks, maybe a depends. You probably didn't need to strop it at all. You could have dulled it, It could be your angle. try laying the blade flat against your face, then lift it so it's near a 30 degree angle. Basically, imagine there are two razors behind it...It your angles not right, the razor will pull, and hurt. Try adjusting your angle first before you do anything major to it. Make sure your prep is good as you said, etc....You said it passes HHT, so why would you want to sharpen it more...? See what I'm saying...Check that angle......I have razors that won't pass HHT, but shave like a dream. The one true test is shaving.....Let me know if you have any more questions...
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  3. #3
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    Thanks for the welcome.
    I'm in the Atlanta metro area - the burbs.

  4. #4
    Senior Member pstrjp's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome, I'm still fairly new to SR shaving and have experienced some of the same issues. My friend hi_bud_gl helped me out (along with many others with good advice). He pointed out that I need to learn to use the scything stroke (described in wiki and other newbie advice on SRP) and that made all the difference. I was warned I would certainly cut myself as I learned but it was the way to go.

    I really haven't had all that much trouble though I have recieved a few good nicks and cuts along the way. But making sure my razor was well honed (via hi_bud_gl or rayman) and using the scything stroke has helped me cross the line from frustration of digging, pulling and fiery razor burn to actual shaving.

    Another decision I made was to back off from trying to get a full smooth shave all at once. I was so desparate to throw out my disposable that I would scrape and scrape at my face until satisfied. I was quickly getting to the point of dreading shaving altogether. I then decided that I would go over my face once, with the grain, practicing the scything stroke. and then use the disposable to touch up what I missed.

    This did several things. First it cut down my shave time by 2/3. Second, it reduced frustration I was feeling. If I couldn't get my mustache or chin (or other problem areas) then I left it alone and got it with the disposable. Third, I could clearly see my progress shave by shave until at last I felt comfortable, using one pass, to skip the disposable altogether. Every time I shaved I learned some new trick to hit a tough spot using a new angle or holding the razor a different way, etc..

    Well that's my 2 cents anyway, hope it helps.

  5. #5
    Little Bear richmondesi's Avatar
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    Yeah, I agree with Rich. It sounds like it could be an angle issue. If not, contact Ken. I'm sure that he, like most other reputable guys, would be happy to take a look at it and rehone it if necessary (however, my money is on the angle). Enjoy your journey, and don't get discouraged

  6. #6
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    As mentioned above, check your angle and stroke. Possibly pressure also. There are other factors that could be affecting your shave, but try these tips first.

  7. #7
    Hooked Member dgstr8's Avatar
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    a third possibility might be that you aren't stretching the skin behind the razor. This guide helped me a lot (if you haven't already read it)

  8. #8
    Senior Member ENUF2's Avatar
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    +1 on all info here. Remember there is a learning curve to Str8's so take your time adjust your angles and stretching you will find what works. Good luck.

  9. #9
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    Thanks for all the tips. Sounds like my technique has a ways to go.
    I'll keep trying.

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