It definately is for me.

When I used a Mach 3 I could only shave twice a week..! More than that and I looked like I'd stuck my face in a paper shredder. And even twice a week, I still used to get razor burn and bumps.

Now I shave every day Monday to Friday and I may have a day off over the weekend, but sometimes not! I enjoy it, what can I say..!?

I dont really get any irritation now, certainly no bumps, and the only spot thats still a problem is the one that was CAUSED by the Mach 3 travesty. I can still get some irritation along the base of my neck, which hasnt entirely gone from my Mach 3 days.

Frankly I wish I'd started shaving with a straight razor right from the word go. Theres no way I'd ever give it up now! I enjoy the process, the tools and the end result far too much..!