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  1. #1
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    Smile First shave for future son-in-law

    Here is one to inspire you young new straight shavers.

    Last night my daughter and her fiance Eddie came over and he cooked dinner for us. After dinner I ask if he wanted to try out my new boker king cutter straight razor?
    He was a little fearful of cutting himself. I told him he woud feel the blade start to cut before he was in trouble.

    He has a healthy respect for anything I sharpen after trying to de-seed an avacodo with a cheap knife that I had just reground the edge and honed up. Had the knife go straight through the seed and into his hand.

    Ok back to the shave, I took him through the prep which helped relax him.
    I explained and showed him the passes and razor angle to use and how to keep his skin tight.
    I did a wtg pass on half the left side to help put him at ease.
    He took over and finished the wtg pass then latherd up with more confidence this time around since he had no blood anywhere and I told him he was doing great. Which he was! He did the atg pass with a little trouble around the chin and mouth and finished up with the closest shave of his life.

    I instructed him on the post shave by having him wash his face off and put some lemon witch hazel I had made all over his face. He loved that lemon smell. Then let his face rest and put a little club man on and a balm, he was set to go.

    The result was a first time straight shave that was 2 pass BBS one little tiny weeper some razor burn because he kept wanting to get heavy handed with the blade.

    My daughter came over and rubbed on his face and said wow.

    Part of Eddie's great results come from the fact that he was a chef for 3 years so he was always handling a knife.

    The razor he used was super sharp with a highly polished edge that is very smooth on the face.

    Eddie is 24 years old he has a very heavy beard for a young man.

    I can see him getting a straight razor in the near future after trying one out.

    Hope this will inspire some of you young people.

    Best wishes,


  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Silver2 For This Useful Post:

    BAMARACING8 (03-04-2010), Oldfalguy (03-02-2010), smokelaw1 (03-02-2010)

  3. #2
    Wander Woman MistressNomad's Avatar
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    I can imagine the thoughts going through his head...

    Oh crap. My fiancé's father wants to take a razor blade to my face. This is bad.

    He he, seriously though, glad to hear he had such a good shave! I'm sure it helped to have someone who knew their way around a straight razor there to guide him.

    I see sharp shiny's in his future...

  4. #3
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    WOW, first cook dinner, then complete the old man's instructions of shaving with a straight razor... I guess he does like your daughter
    Have you decided on the next obstacle, yet?

  5. #4
    Senior Member sbrouwers's Avatar
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    Great story. +1 one for you for doing this, sounds like you like your son-in-law. Many fathers might have posted an completely different out come on being alone with there son-in-law and an extremely sharp razor

    Congrats and lets hope he follows up with the new skill you have shown him.

  6. #5
    Member BobKincaid's Avatar
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    Default Son-in-Laws

    Nice idea and excellent "execution!"

    I, too, have a son-in-law. He's watched me obsessing over straight razor shaving over the course of the last year. He's also the kind of guy who can be happy for hours just sharpening knives.

    I'm thinking that now I've actually done the first full shave to no ill effect, I may gift him one of my decent vintages that's shavable.

    Glad you reminded me to keep thinking along those lines!

  7. #6
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    Smile Thank you for the comments

    I tell you what, My oldest daughter has brought some guys home that would make you have visions of the move Sweeny Todd.
    Come to think of it, all the guys she has brought home make you feel that way sooner or later. LOL

    No Eddie is a keeper and they are both lucky to have each other and I have no complants about either one of them.
    Wedding date set for Oct and she has already bought a new house on her own at age 22.

    I tell you folks what. The best things you can do in life are to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Giving your time or knowledge to make a positive difference truly makes you feel good inside.

    My 7 year old grand son who I am raising is already taking all this straight razor stuff in. I have a lot to teach him. He can't strike a lighter but he can light my grill with flint and steel.

    Best wishes to all.


  8. #7
    Senior Member geruchtemoaker's Avatar
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    looks like he's lucky with a father in law like you
    wish i had one like that

  9. #8
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Proof positive that sharing is a blessing, a great story and some very funny comments.
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

  10. #9
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    One word of warning, watch out for 7 yr olds with lighters. I thought it was cool to teach my little brother how to use a lighter years ago, that was till I came home from school and the fire department was at the house. My little brother thought it was funny to watch those little furry things hanging from the bottom of mattresses burn, well he thought it was funny until the mattress started on fire. Needless to say the parents didnt see the humor.

  11. #10
    Senior Member jimmyfingers's Avatar
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    When I used to live up north, my ex girlfriends dad looked like Tony Soprano with the Jersey accent. He was a really nice guy, but always wanted to try out his newly sharpened knifes. He was really nice and cool about it, but I couldn't help think if he was trying to send me a message

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