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  1. #1
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    Default Beginner looking for cheapest usable SR

    I have never used a straight razor and don't know if I will continue to in the future, but I wan't to give it a try. I like knives and enjoy sharpening them. I actually thought of getting a straight razor because I want to learn to sharpen it. I have brought some kitchen and pocket knives to a mirror finish that are shaving sharp.

    I might actually like shaving with it and decide to continue, so instead of buying a $3 SR off ebay, I figured I would ask here to find some recommendations on the cheapest SR that I will be able to use and will hold an edge.

    I don't know anything about the size of the blade or types of grinds yet. I was just hoping someone could recommend something that I could start with for now and i'll get into all that later. I have skimmed over the begginer guides stickied here and I will read them completely before attempting to use the SR.

    I'm on a very tight budget and wan't to spend as little as possible. This is just going to be my first razor and I don't wan't to have to worry about messing it up sharpening it.

    I just wan't it to hold an edge and be usable. It doesn't have to be new. An old SR would probably be better if they are higher quality, but in my price range. A used SR being sold here on the forums would be fine as long as it doesn't need any more work than honing since I only have 15, 5, and 0.3 micron lapping paper from 3M to work with.

    Thanks for any help.
    Last edited by Alltracturbo; 03-05-2010 at 11:07 AM.

  2. #2
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    Pick up one of the Gold Dollar razors. They are a decent quality at a good price. They have had some QC issues in the past so make sure you buy from somebody with a good reputation.

  3. #3
    Senior Member janivar123's Avatar
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    if you want to mess about then GD isnt bad
    but they usually need a little extra work

  4. #4
    . Otto's Avatar
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    The classifieds here would be my bet. The members here knows what a shave ready razor is and they do have a reputation to uphold.

    Good luck.
    (Also read the Wiki)

    "Cheap Tools Is Misplaced Economy. Always buy the best and highest grade of razors, hones and strops. Then you are prepared to do the best work."
    - Napoleon LeBlanc, 1895

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  6. #5
    Hibernator ursus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alltracturbo View Post
    I might actually like shaving with it and decide to continue, so instead of buying a $3 SR off ebay, I figured I would ask here to find some recommendations on the cheapest SR that I will be able to use and will hold an edge.
    Read the beginner's guide properly before making your decision. Also you could use the shopping list and the budget shopping list.
    Shopping list for beginners - Straight Razor Place Wiki
    Buying a beginner's set on a budget - Straight Razor Place Wiki

    To re-iterate: Ebay is not the place to buy your first blade. Classifieds and reputable sellers are your best bet. Get one shave-ready.

    The quality of prep is also a major factor, so take that in account.

    Welcome and happy shavin

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  8. #6
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    +1 on the classifieds. There are some great razors in there.

    You'll also need a strop. RupRazor sell a great starter strop called The Filly, which is about $20 IIRC.

    Good luck!

    EDIT: +1 on ursus's advice. Avoid the 'Bay, its a real minefield if you dont know what you are looking for!
    Last edited by Stubear; 03-05-2010 at 11:54 AM.

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  10. #7
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    Thanks for the quick replies.

    I'm going to do some reading on the Gold Dollar razor since it seems there's lots of talk about it here.

    I just checked the classifieds here and there isn't anything in my price range.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stropper View Post
    Check on this combo from Ruprazor:RupRazor - Gold Dollar Razor and Filly Strop
    $60 is more than I wan't to spend. I'm just looking for something to experiment with. I really don't even wan't to spend $20, but I will if that is the cheapest I can get a somewhat decent razor for.

    Quote Originally Posted by ursus View Post
    Read the beginner's guide properly before making your decision. Also you could use the shopping list and the budget shopping list.
    Shopping list for beginners - Straight Razor Place Wiki
    Buying a beginner's set on a budget - Straight Razor Place Wiki

    To re-iterate: Ebay is not the place to buy your first blade. Classifieds and reputable sellers are your best bet. Get one shave-ready.

    The quality of prep is also a major factor, so take that in account.

    Welcome and happy shavin
    I am only looking for a razor now and have read the razor section of both of those, but they don't say what company makes a good razor or where to buy them other than the classifieds here. I can't afford the ones in the classifieds and don't know where else to look if cheap ones on ebay are no good. All the websites I find are really expensive and I have no idea what would be good if I did find cheap ones in my price range.

    So do you think these ebay razors would be junk compared the the Gold Dollar razor? aultDomain_0?hash=item3efc2bd8a4 efaultDomain_0?hash=item25578247dd

    Does anyone know of anything else that would be as good or better than the Gold Dollar for around the same price?

  11. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stubear View Post
    RupRazor sell a great starter strop called The Filly, which is about $20 IIRC.
    +1 It also has 0.5µ Chromium Oxide on the back/rough side for touching up every 4-5 or so shaves.

  12. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alltracturbo View Post
    $60 is more than I wan't to spend. I'm just looking for something to experiment with. I really don't even wan't to spend $20, but I will if that is the cheapest I can get a somewhat decent razor for.
    You have been shown this link by ursus. Have you read it? If not, why not?

    Next, define "experiment". Straight Razor Place Wiki:Books/Beginners Guide - Straight Razor Place Wiki has unambiguous definitions of what works, and what does not. There is no in between. If you want a razor that is shave ready, it will come at a price.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alltracturbo View Post
    I am only looking for a razor now and have read the razor section of both of those, but they don't say what company makes a good razor or where to buy them other than the classifieds here. I can't afford the ones in the classifieds and don't know where else to look if cheap ones on ebay are no good. All the websites I find are really expensive and I have no idea what would be good if I did find cheap ones in my price range.
    Again, these will give you all the background information you need to make an informed decision:

    1. Good Straight Razor Brands - Straight Razor Place Wiki
    2. Brands of Straight Razors to avoid - Straight Razor Place Wiki
    3. Shopping list for beginners - Straight Razor Place Wiki

    Your secundum comparandum is a bit off. If you want to purchase a new razor with an acceptable level of quality assurance, the cheapest alternative currently available is the Dovo Best Quality. The razors you just linked to show that the good people in Pakistan have learnt something new - they are not listing the names of their letter openers in the ad anymore.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alltracturbo View Post
    Does anyone know of anything else that would be as good or better than the Gold Dollar for around the same price?
    I know of many things that would be better than at least 20% of all Gold Dollar razors. As far as razors are concerned, I would definitely go for a razor from the Classifieds that has been honed by a member with an impeccable track record in the honing area (but that is also what the above Wiki articles say, and the Frequently Asked Questions).

    To cut this longish story short: I strongly recommend that you do some basic research first. Your current expectations simply cannot be met. And yes, you will need a strop in addition to your razor.


  13. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to BeBerlin For This Useful Post:

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  14. #10
    Senior Member welshwizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alltracturbo View Post
    I'm on a very tight budget and wan't to spend as little as possible.
    You've been given excellent advice. There is a minimum spend, below which you will not be able to purchase something good enough to use on your face.
    'Living the dream, one nightmare at a time'

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