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Thread: Here we go.....
05-17-2010, 10:11 PM #11
Welcome to SRP! This is a Great community.
Great advise given already.
As mentioned be sure to read the Wiki and take your time. Always remember light pressure.
Enjoy the journey!
The Following User Says Thank You to cyclelu For This Useful Post:
Michiganman (05-18-2010)
05-17-2010, 10:38 PM #12
Thanks to all.. !!!!
Going to print the PDF file tonight and start reading. I have a feeling this is going to be fun. as I said, probably wont shave for a day or two but will definitely post the results of my first shave here. I am excited!!
Appreciate all the help... Coming to realize that there are a bunch of very helpful, knowledgeable people that frequent this site.
Thanks again. Jeff..
Ps. I am sure I will have additional questions as I get started.
05-17-2010, 11:04 PM #13
Oh yeah, +1 on what Obie just said. This is a fine gentlemanly experience and one to be savored like a fine wine. Make sure your environment is conducive to the experince. No dog barking, cat rubbing your leg, lawn mower buzzing through the open window or somebody (not sayin who) complaining to you. This is very mental. Nice, neat, orderly area. Tools clean and tidy. Sort of a shaving Mise en Place. Find some great classical music to listen to also.
I think I want to go shave right now!
The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Alembic For This Useful Post:
LinacMan (05-18-2010), Michiganman (05-18-2010), Obie (05-18-2010)
05-18-2010, 04:36 AM #14
I'm excited for you. From my vast 2 weeks experience straight razor shaving I'll pass on the only real advice I'm qualified to give you: relax and savour the experience. You're not the first person to notice that the razor is sharp. This, without a doubt, is one of the coolest, most satisfying and self indulgent things I've learned (& am still learning) to do. I'm confident that you first shaving experience will be great and that you'll love it!
As others have mentioned, isolate yourself from distractions. This is all about you. This may sound trite, but remember to breathe. The first time or two I was so focused that I caught myself holding my breath. Put on your favorite relaxing music, take a warm shower, and take all the time you want. Man, I'm going to have to stop talking like this or I'm going to have to get out of bed and go shave. Wait, I just shaved 2 hr ago. Maybe whiskers will have grown by the morning.
As Obie encouaged me before my first shave: "piece o' cake"
You'll do great!
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to LinacMan For This Useful Post:
Michiganman (05-18-2010), Obie (05-18-2010)
05-20-2010, 04:22 PM #15
Last night was the night. First partial shave with a Str8. Started with a 20 minute long HOT shower. Toweled off and proceeded to mix up some lather using my Maca Root shave cream. I think it is made by the body shop. Seemed to work ok and gave me a pretty good, thick lather. Only wanted to shave my dominate side cheeck and side burn area to start. That is exactly what I did.
So moving on. A couple WTG passes on the right side of my face yielded good results up until my angle was incorrect and I sliced a 1/2 inch gash in my face. Shave cream turned pink... arrrgggghhhh!!! Nothing too severe but I am sure it will leave a scar... Instead a being a whimp and stopping, i said to myself, "Jeff, you are a man!! Suck it up!!" ha ha ha.. I continued without further incident until my cheek and sideburn area were cleanly shaven. I did have a few areas that i thought were pulling a bit much and I am sure this had to do with the angle of which I was holding the razor. This is definitely something i will need to work on.
The other side of my face (left) is concerning me a bit. I did a few "false" passes (Holding the razor at what i thought was a prefered angle and running it just above my face to get the feel). Shaving the left side of my face, neck etc, seems a bit akward. It is just not comfortable. However, I am sure comfort comes with experience. Would hate to give myself one or more matching scars on the left cheek!!!
Anyways.. Applied styptic pencil to wound, stopped the bleeding, rubbed with alcohol swab and now I have a nicely scabed over slash!!! ha ha... I am not a quiter though so I will continue shaving with the str8.
Initial thoughts after my first shave...
- Harder than many videos make it look...
- I need to relax more and "go with the flow". Found my head full of worry thinking that I may cut myself AGAIN..
- Str8 shaving is definitely an art that requires skill, patience, and practice.
- I love it!!! and plan on continuing to learn even if I have several scars to show for it.
05-20-2010, 04:45 PM #16
Glad you made it through your first shave only partially scathed and with your enthusiasm & determination intact. As Obie told me, "Don't squeeze the razor too hard in your hand. Think of the razor as a bird: don't squeeze it too hard so that you squeeze life our of it, and don't hold it too lightly so that it will fly out of your hand."
Welcome to "the club"!
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to LinacMan For This Useful Post:
Michiganman (05-21-2010), Obie (05-20-2010)
05-20-2010, 04:47 PM #17
Hey Jeff - get prepared my friend, you are going to get a lot of congrats on the first shave. Excellant!
Are you swithcing hands for the opposite side or are you going to learn the whole routine with your dominant hand? I switch and did not find it too tough, but everyone is different.
Also, don't worry about that nick. There was a pretty comical post a few months back on what do you say to people when you cut yourself and they ask about it. I think peoples responses ranged from "Dueling Scar" to "Just Tell the Truth".
It sounds like you are going to do just fine, and this is a great place to get coached through it.
BTW - bet you're glad you bought that styptic pencil now - huh?
The Following User Says Thank You to Alembic For This Useful Post:
Michiganman (05-21-2010)
05-20-2010, 05:17 PM #18
You mentioned the hot shower, but what about music?No better way to be relaxed than playing the "right" music (see Stubear's thread:
The Following User Says Thank You to LinacMan For This Useful Post:
Michiganman (05-21-2010)
05-20-2010, 07:10 PM #19
Congrats on the first shave
and here is to many more in your future.
I learned that if I let my mind go blank it was a lot easier to shave then when I was thinking about it because then I was paying to much attention to what I was seeing and not enough to what I was feeling on my face and through my fingers/razor.
The Following User Says Thank You to Troggie For This Useful Post:
Michiganman (05-21-2010)
05-21-2010, 06:59 PM #20
Thanks guys.. I appreciate the support. I think I am going to give it another try tonight. I look pretty manly with a big scabbed over gash on my face... Lets try for another one tonight!!!
ha ha ha... Hope not... Going to try and get some music on tonight and take my time a bit more. I think I rushed the other night due to the anticipation. I will let you guys know how I do.
I think I may try switching hands in order to do each side of my face.. Not sure yet... I am usually not very good with my left hand so we will see. I may give it a try. What do most people do? Do they switch hands or try to do everything with their dominate hand?
I am out in public during the day dealing with customers.. I am an insurance appraiser for a large insurance company. Over the past few days I have had a few people ask me what happened and I tell them the truth. Once I explain that the cut is from a "straight razor" as opposed to a "Safety razor" they seem to show alot more interest, ask questions, and then start in with the "your crazy buddy" or "you had better get used to cuts like that"... I just chuckle... lol
Thanks again.. Jeff