Quote Originally Posted by thecornerbooth View Post
Thanks for the tip. I have been wondering what was going on with my edge lately too.

Today i skimped on the prep and my shave wasn't so hot. I even missed a spot so i had to stop on the way to work to buy a disposable to give myself a touch up. I didn't want to look like Jimmy the Cab Driver.

Does anyone know of any pictures i could use as a reference to determine if my edge is rolled or will it be obvious?
Not obvious unless it is egregious.

Try running a single hair along the edge.
A "rolled" area will not grab the way a sharp region will.
Compare and contrast before and after stropping.
Not a HHT but some people can see differences.

Another trick is to compare your shave with a known blade.
A cheap tossable or a DE blade can give you that
reference as can a second razor. Comparisons work
best with a single edge razor.... I have a region on
my chin where I can feel each whisker get cleaved
by the blade.... shaving that region is how I decide
to replace or hone a blade.

Learning when a blade is dull is as much a learning
experience as learning what a sharp blade is.