These types of problems are very common with new guys and this is why we recommend only doing a little at first to make sure you get the cutting angle and preparation down to start. We have seen so many posts like this only to hear that the razor was getting sharper or that the person was catching on and in a few weeks doing fine.

That said, it is never the new persons fault and always the equipment or service provider or hone or media or...... but NEVER ever the person.

I do test shave every razor before it goes out and I mean every one and if it doesn't shave me, it doesn't leave. That doesn't mean 100% of the time that it will shave you. I once re-honed a razor three times for a friend of mine and he complained bitterly that he could not shave with it. I finally asked him to show me how he was shaving with the razor and was amazed at the fact that he could not hold the razor at a 30 degree or less angle. Actually, after watching him, I was amazed the razor stayed in his hand at all. I would never have believed the coordination problems I saw had I not seen them and this friend was a pretty macho athletic dude. After that, I never took for granted that problems with shaving were only about the razor being sharp with new guys. I am always happy to re-hone one for someone having difficulty on me of course.

Have fun,
