Quote Originally Posted by deighaingeal View Post
Try a spine width away.

I think you just nailed it, my technique is absolutly the issue. I kept watching all of these videos that said to put your first two fingers inside the tang, the next two fingers outside of it.

Well, I put my first two fingers inside the tang and up to the crack that seperates the first pads of the finger from the second of three sections to a finger, then put my thumb below it...again up to about 1/2 the thumb pad.

If you can picture this, the first 'pad' of your index and 2nd finger, at least for me, is nearly an inch, so I bet my angle was way too high to have a decent shave.

Next time I'll try to hold the razor by the very tips of my fingers and, like you said, try to keep it at just about a spine width away. Wow, thinking about it now, a single spine width away from my skin would be impossible in how I was holding the blade.

Thank you so much. No matter how much I read, I still didn't get it all the first time through. Cheers man, thanks a bunch to you and this great forum. I can't wait for my new blade to show up and shallow my angle.

