First, 30 degree blade angle is a good starting point - one that I almost never shave at. I probably use more like between 15 and 20. When I am shaving with a full hollow I drop the angle even further. So I would start there.

Have you studied your whisker growth directions? WTG (north to south) is not WTG everywhere on my face - particularly on my neck where the whiskers grow east to west. So when I am making my WTG pass, when I get below the jawline I have to drop the angle even further.

Generally, your prep sounded Ok to me. I feel for you that you feel defeated by this. But you have the right spirit and I'm sure we can figure out what exactly is going on.

I think we might need to find an experienced member in your area that can help you. You might have to drive a bit - but I am willing to bet that with the dedication you have already shown, it won't be a problem. So I would put out another post asking for help in your area. If one exists I know the gentlemen here will help.