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  1. #1
    Junior Member thrustae's Avatar
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    Default Water marks or something on the blade

    I am beginning to see faint, darkish splotches developing on my razor. Is this from minerals in the water or something?

    Also, if I understand correctly, I should strop about 20 laps before each shave, and possibly a few after. What about leather versus fabric? What is the proper ratio of usage between the two?

  2. #2
    Temporary Razor Custodian CrazyCloud's Avatar
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    Sounds like some kind of tarnish starting from moisture. Make sure you wipe your razor dry after using it, and try applying a thin layer of mineral oil or gun oil to the blade before putting it up. You might try a little rubbing compound or metal polish (i.e. Maas or Flitz), it will probably whisk those dark spots away.

    For stropping, I do 40 laps on linen then 50 on the leather before each shave (one lap is a stroke in each direction). I think that's pretty standard. Be sure to hold the strop taught and use VERY light pressure.

    Good luck! Keep us posted...

  3. #3
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Sounds like some kind of staining or corrosion. Pics would help for a diagnosis. Have you tried metal polish ? or you could leave it alone & wait for the razor to develop an overall patina but oil is a good idea.
    Yes strop before & after shave. Fabric first to clean up the blade then leather. Number of strokes need not be excessive. If 20 works for you stick with it but if you move into 100's with no effect the blade needs a hone.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Str8nDE4RAD's Avatar
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    Maas Should get it out. I just got some today and it took out all the spots on my Straight and left it nice and shiny

    Haven't used Flitz but I hear it works just as well, might be a little harsher on Gold Wash but I hear it works just as good.

  5. #5
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TSasser View Post
    Maas Should get it out. I just got some today and it took out all the spots on my Straight and left it nice and shiny

    Haven't used Flitz but I hear it works just as well, might be a little harsher on Gold Wash but I hear it works just as good.
    As far as I know, any metal polish is harsh enough on gold wash as to obliterate it. Maas certainly does.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Str8nDE4RAD's Avatar
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    That is true, and again I am going by what I have heard from people, but some have claimed that they used Maas in small amounts and have been able to leave the gold wash on. This has happened only some times not most or all. Flitz however I have heard that it will take it off no matter what.

  7. #7
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Any metal polish will remove the gold. Maybe not all at once but it will start depending on how much you use and how hard you rub. That's the problem with gold wash. Unless you can get some kind of very mild abrasive in a tiny tool to just go after the spots. They make these things for watchmakers.

    As far as stropping goes I usually do about 20 before on fabric and 60 before on leather.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member Str8nDE4RAD's Avatar
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    Well I never did say it wouldn't remove it at all, just not necessarily on the first use. I do thank you for the clarification on everything.

    As for stropping I do around 30 - 50 on each side, depending on the day and how I feel. I think the actual amount of stropping is dependent on the person but I also think at least 20 is good, you can always go up from there if wanted.

  9. #9
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    It's probably oxidation (if you have a carbon steel blade). You can remove it with metal polish, but it's not necessary to do so. The dark grey form of iron oxide is actually protective.

    There is no right or wrong number of passes on the strop, experiment and do what works best for you. I only strop before shaving, and I do it by feel (I can tell when the edge has been aligned by the way the razor feels on the strop). Stropping after you shave does no harm, but I don't think it does any good either.

    The cloth is optional, it's the leather that really counts.

  10. #10
    Junior Member thrustae's Avatar
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    Default Thanks

    Here's the image (not quite as clear as in person):

    Thanks for the advice. I will either pick up some Maas or was thinking of using the Barkeeper's Friend I have in my cupboard.

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