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Thread: Help.......

  1. #1
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    Question Help.......

    So as I was stropping my razor the other day, I accidentally dropped my razor on our bathroom tile. I was lucky enough that the razor did not break (whew!) However, the edge of the blade towards the tip does not cut and actually scratched my strop. But beyond that point the razor cuts great. Does this require me to set the bevel again or can I just resharpen the blade with a finer grit waterstone? Also, I wanted to ask the great minds of this forum, how do I tighten the pins on my Dovo straight razor? The blade swings too easily and hence the reason I dropped it.

    I do have one free honing with the great Honemeister Lynn so that is an option.

  2. #2
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    I would probably send it back to lynn. Maybe pick up a second cheap razor from the classifieds to use while it is gone, if it is in the budget.

    Quote Originally Posted by JMatthias View Post
    So as I was stropping my razor the other day, I accidentally dropped my razor on our bathroom tile. I was lucky enough that the razor did not break (whew!) However, the edge of the blade towards the tip does not cut and actually scratched my strop. But beyond that point the razor cuts great. Does this require me to set the bevel again or can I just resharpen the blade with a finer grit waterstone? Also, I wanted to ask the great minds of this forum, how do I tighten the pins on my Dovo straight razor? The blade swings too easily and hence the reason I dropped it.

    I do have one free honing with the great Honemeister Lynn so that is an option.

  3. #3
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    It's certainly going to be a complete re-hone, so I agree you should send it back to Lynn. If it's your only straight and you don't have it in the budget to buy a second, PM me your address. I've got more razors than I can use and I'll send you one I got in a contest here last year. It's nothing special, but it's a good shaver.

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    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Default Very Classy, VeeDubb

    I don't know what JM prefers, but I have a few that could go on loan or very cheap.

  6. #5
    Senior Member mretzloff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VeeDubb65 View Post
    It's certainly going to be a complete re-hone, so I agree you should send it back to Lynn. If it's your only straight and you don't have it in the budget to buy a second, PM me your address. I've got more razors than I can use and I'll send you one I got in a contest here last year. It's nothing special, but it's a good shaver.
    What a gentlemanly offer

  7. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    It is a gentlemanly offer and I applaud PL for it but it should be made by PM if there is any suggestion of commerce in there. Please keep that in mind in future postings everybody.
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    No suggestion of commerce in my offer. Just a little pay it forward.

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    Thumbs up Thanks!!!!

    Thanks for all of the advice and offers! This is one of the many reasons that I truly appreciate this website. I will send it back to Lynn and have him do his magic.

  11. #9
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    Commerce and magic might go well together though. If ya know what I mean.

  12. #10
    zib is offline
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    The scratch on your strop is a good indicator that it has a chip in the bevel. Lynn demonstrates how to tighten loose pivot pins on his dvd. You can do so with a drift pin punch, a small hammer and a solid surface, like a jeweler's anvil. If your sending to him, just mention it....
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