Quote Originally Posted by llyamah View Post
Hello All

This is my first post. I am considering using a straight razor. However, I am apprehensive due to the fact that I know how much maintenance this requires.

Perhaps it would be a good idea to briefly explain my current shaving routine. At present, I use a shaving gel (the type that does not froth up into a foam - not sure if I can mention the brand here) and I shave with the typical five-blade safety razor. I shave in the shower without a mirror. I shave with the grain only, because I can suffer from ingrown hairs. I never go a second time and shave against the grain.
How about just going across the grain on your second pass? You can tell us your non-lathering shaving gel.

Quote Originally Posted by llyamah View Post
So, I am thinking about buying a cut-throat. I have read the beginners shopping list and am therefore wondering what people think about this:

Empire - SHAVING STRAIGHT CUT THROAT RAZOR + STROP R on eBay (end time 27-Mar-11 16:46:15 BST)

I know that you probably get what you pay for, but I am just wondering whether or not it would be a good razor to start with.
Some of these crud razors are made of steel whose properties are so unsuitable for shaving human facial hair that they cannot even be honed to a shaving edge, period. There are some very cheap, modern razors coming out of China that are of a suitably fine carbon steel structure that can deliver acceptable shaves, but they are the exception and still require one of our beloved honemeisters to function as quality control and hone to shave-ready. Not something suggested to newbies with no experience.

Quote Originally Posted by llyamah View Post
I also have two other questions. I am sure these have probably been answered elsewhere, so please forgive me:

1) I do not really have anywhere to hang a strop. What are the wooden paddle strops like?
They're great. I see that you want to start frugally, and I understand that. Think about it this way: with a paddle strop you actually save a lot of money because if you get a quality one you are investing in not one but two very important tools (if you're a naughty boy, that is..)!

Quote Originally Posted by llyamah View Post
2) How long can I get away with just using a strop and not having to use a honing stone? For now, using a strop seems to be daunting enough!
Why don't you try a double-edged safety razor first? No stropping, honing or blade maintenance. You're shaving in the shower with a disposable razor which has training wheels all over it. That's the logical intermediate step. You could learn all the major fundamentals of real wetshaving during the time you spend with that, making the transition to open razor shaving much easier and less painful (and less dangerous) so it wouldn't be a waste of time.