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  1. #1
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    Default !st. Shave Down.....

    Well I got my first shave down last night and it went pretty well. Defanitly need to work on things like skin stretching, blade position etc. but overall it was a great experience. I was only going to do my cheeks but once I started I just kept going even did an ATG pass on my neck....I did have to finish up with my DE but that was to be expected....anyways heres to many more shaves......

  2. #2
    Senior Member str8fencer's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP, and grats on your first! Here's to many more!

  3. #3
    ..mama I know we broke the rules... Maxi's Avatar
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    Sounds like a great start! Each time you shave, you'll do something that works really well. The key is to remember all of them, and do them in succession consistently for absolutely wild shaves.

    Good luck, and keep us posted!

  4. #4
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    That is a bold start!
    But you seem to have pulled it off. Good stuff.
    Keep up the good work
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  5. #5
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    Excellent start! Glad to hear it.


  6. #6
    Padawan Learner dewey81's Avatar
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    ATG on the neck first go? You got bigger stones than I do. <shivers>

  7. #7
    In over my head kasperitis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dewey81 View Post
    ATG on the neck first go? You got bigger stones than I do. <shivers>
    What he said...

    Welcome to the board! That really is an impressive start!

  8. #8
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    Thanks guys I appreciate..Yeah I dont know it just seemed natural to go ATG on my neck deafanitly alot easier than my chin......Second shave last night went alot better hand and blade position were better...we'll see about #3....

  9. #9
    Senior Member jeffegg2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by true01 View Post
    Well I got my first shave down last night and it went pretty well. Defanitly need to work on things like skin stretching, blade position etc. but overall it was a great experience. I was only going to do my cheeks but once I started I just kept going even did an ATG pass on my neck....I did have to finish up with my DE but that was to be expected....anyways heres to many more shaves......
    Welcome to the world of straight shaving.

    I have about 1 year under my belt now. My learning curve was fairly smooth, but I'm just so much better now. I can still get an inattentive nick if I'm not focused, but there is not a chance that I will ever ever leave straight razor shaving.

    I use just my right hand, never saw the need of training my other hand. And my neck hair that grows up, I've been shaving that atg since the start, just seems the most natural way to shave from the top to the bottom... I have changed from long strokes, to more shorter strokes. The moles that I once feared would cleave off (and a few times did), now are not a problem, I just streach the skin just so, and off comes the hair without cutting the mole....

  10. #10
    DLB is offline
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    Thumbs up Another Right Hander!

    Quote Originally Posted by jeffegg2 View Post
    Welcome to the world of straight shaving.

    I have about 1 year under my belt now. My learning curve was fairly smooth, but I'm just so much better now. I can still get an inattentive nick if I'm not focused, but there is not a chance that I will ever ever leave straight razor shaving.

    I use just my right hand, never saw the need of training my other hand. And my neck hair that grows up, I've been shaving that atg since the start, just seems the most natural way to shave from the top to the bottom... I have changed from long strokes, to more shorter strokes. The moles that I once feared would cleave off (and a few times did), now are not a problem, I just streach the skin just so, and off comes the hair without cutting the mole....
    I have only been straight shaving for four months and also only use my right hand. Interestingly, I find shaving my left side with the right hand even easier than shaving my right side with my right hand. Crossing over seems really natural. Maybe I should try using my left hand to shave my right side. LOL

    In the world of straight shaving, I follow a simple rule, "If it works, do it!"

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