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  1. #1
    Senior Member LoriB's Avatar
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    Question How do you explain straight razors to other people?

    Hi! I'm new to the forum and straight razors. I'm in the process of collecting what I need to get started although I do have a vintage Clauss razor already. I remember my grandfathers using straight razors but they passed away decades ago so they aren't available to help me out. What causes me the most trouble so far are the reactions I get from other people that do not use straight razors even including my husband. It usually starts with a horrified look and then a question about whether I'm suicidal or if I'm joining a gang or if I'm a big fan of Sweeney Todd or if I'm having a strange craving for meat pies. I've given up on finding shaving supplies in stores because I'm tired of explaining what I'm looking for, why I want it and the questions about whether I know the number for suicide prevention or not. The general public around here seem to be terrified of straight razors. They seem to think straight razors are only good for killing or hurting oneself or someone else. At first I thought it was so absurd it was funny but now it's just getting ridiculous.

    I really hate modern plastic razors with multiple blades because they rough up the skin on my legs and they nick me a lot. I hate shaving so I can wear a skirt for a special occasion but then get a cut on my leg that looks awful and doesn't heal until it's time to shave again. That explanation doesn't sway people. They say it just proves I'm terrible with razors and I shouldn't be allowed near a straight razor. I've spent plenty of money on electric razors over the years and have yet to find one that does a good job. Waxing gives me bruises that look terrible. Nair makes me gag. I think a straight razor is the way to go but I can't convince others of that. do you explain the desire to use straight razors? Could you point me to a good thread on the subject so maybe I can at least persuade my husband that I'm not insane?


  2. #2
    I BLEED BLUE nycexit2's Avatar
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    I told my wife its cheaper then buying mach3 blades all the time wow what a lie I have major RAD

  3. #3
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP!
    I'm glad you decided to join

    I don't talk all that much about shaving in general, but when people see my bathroom I kinda have to
    Some say it's cool, others call me "eccentric".
    I really don't care all that much what others think about me using a straight. I like it, so I do it, period!

    By the way, did you see that there is a Ladies corner in here as well?
    Check it out! There is quite a few female members on here. I bet you will find lots of good help in there.
    And, of course, we will all help in any way we can!
    Good luck
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  4. #4
    Senior Member str8fencer's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP, always good to have another lady with us!
    Explaining to your husband why you want to start wet shaving should not be too diffucult, I gather. Just point him to this very website. There are tens of thousands of members and most of us are sane and not suicidal
    There are many reasons why people start wet shaving, ranging from the "go green" thought to those that just want a nicer, more comfortable experience. Some also start for economical reasons, although I have not seen huge savings myself due to the fact that I have, alas, fallen victim to some of the acquisition disorders one may develop in this lane of trade. Willingly, I should add
    Many also report that they started because of reasons similar to those you indicate - that the other alternative hair removal options were uncomfortable, produced rashes or plain hurt. You'll find there are many options for better skin care in wet shaving, and many report they manage to get rid of their problems.
    We have a ladies corner here, I suggest you check it out. Here is the link to our Ladies Corner.
    Don't hesitate to ask questions when they arise, and foremost, have fun.

    Edit: Dang, 2 replies while I was typing up my welcome - ppl here are fast posters
    Last edited by str8fencer; 04-23-2011 at 07:16 PM.

  5. #5
    ace is offline
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    I think shaving with a straight razor is difficult to explain. The modern cartridges are accepted by nearly everyone, so making
    a point of going back in time to an open razor is counter-intuitive. Many here make a case for it in terms of economics, a case
    I think is very difficult to make stick. Others say they've had bad results with cartridges. I haven't and still use them from time
    to time. I can still get Gillette Pro Glide cartridge to last two months, so the arguments from economy and ecology aren't particularly

    I shave with a straight razor because it is interesting, challenging, and rewarding. It is a skill that has to be learned over time,
    doesn't come easily or quickly, and can be uncomfortable at first and for a while. If I were you, I would avoid shaving with a
    straight right before putting on that pretty skirt and sashaying off to a party, unless it's Hallowe'en. You'll need to put in some
    practice before you can safely risk that. But give straights a shot because they're fun. It's worth it.

  6. #6
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP. Be sure to check out the "Ladies Corner" and PM member CarrieM to gain access to the "ladies only" section of the forum. Have you considered first trying out a double edge razor? They and the blades for them are faily inexpensive and easy to maintain. My wife recently tried out my Merkur DE and loved it so much that now I'm afraid it's her razor and I will have to buy another one.
    Last edited by ReardenSteel; 04-23-2011 at 08:30 PM.

  7. #7
    Member Laser's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP. Just tell people it's "way cool" to shave with a straight and you get a great shave once you get past the learning curve. Tons of great info on this sight and the people here are great. Enjoy the journey!

  8. #8
    ..mama I know we broke the rules... Maxi's Avatar
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    When I first started straight shaving I tried to explain my new hobby to people, partly because I was excited about doing it, and proud that I was able to. I quickly realized that people thought I was weird. My really close friends chalked it up to "oh well....that's Nate", because I like lots of old styled sorts of things.

    To others, I say that my hobby is resorting antiques. Usually that's enough for people....because most people don't really want to talk about restoring furniture or woodworking (two other things I enjoy).

    There is so much obsession about "new" things these days. It's a bit unfortunate. But, like Birnando said "I do it and I don't care what other people think."

    That's my rant.

  9. #9
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I've given up years ago trying to explain to people. I can't even convince my younger son.

    Good to have you here. get with our other ladies and probably one of them will come up with the best way of explaining it to your husband.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  10. #10
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    I normally get strange looks when i tell people about it. That's ok. I understand it does sound unusual! A lot of the problem is ignorance, i think - most people have the false perception that straight razors are dangerous to shave with. Movies like Sweeney Todd do little to help that perception.

    On the positive side, i have had a few people show genuine interest. I lent my spare straight to a workmate who was interested, so i'm super keen to hear back about his experience with it! My best friend is also going to let me give him a straight shave on his wedding day.

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