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    Default 1st time shaving with a straight and no blood drawn!

    but holy crap the blade angle needs to be a lot steeper than I thought! BTW dovo 6/8 half hollow with VDH and a tweezerman worked phenomenally. Afterwards, i dried the razor completely with q-tips and TP, put a film of mineral oil on it, and let it sit in the open position. Is that a sufficient drying process?

  2. #2
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    That's pretty much all I do. I do notice some spotting starting on my Boker, which is only a month old. I used mineral oil for the first week. When I noticed the spotting, I switched to 3-in-1 oil. I like the smell better too!! I found it took a lot less of the 3 than mineral oil too.

    Once it dries out over night, I wrap it up in a cotton kerchief and store it in the sock drawer.

    And ya, I got a sh*t ton of razor burn cuz I waver on the angle too much. But I keep getting better, so will you!!

    Nice razor too!!

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  3. #3
    Senior Member tfrod's Avatar
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    Yeah that sounds like plenty to me. I only dry the blade off with a towel and then stick it in a drawer. I know I probably shouldn't do it but Im not too worried as it is really dry where I live.

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    Woo hoo! Good tidbit on the mineral oil, I was just drying mine out & leaving it like that, guess that would have come back to haunt me soon. I just did my first full shave, couldn't do my neck properly until today for some reason. So much fun! Found some good soap after a couple tries & good aftershave. Got a great Dovo for my birthday, don't know the specs off hand.

  5. #5
    ace is offline
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    No blood drawn? Geez, you're missing out on all the fun. Maybe your razor isn't sharp enough.

  6. #6
    zib is offline
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    You know, I did mineral oil at first, than Camelia, I've given up on both. Not saying you have too. For me, it was impractical. You leave razors stored with oil on them for an extended period of time, and your asking for trouble. I just had to restore about 12 razors. Lucky for me, there was no permanent damage. I normally keep 7-9 razors out in rotation at any given time. I let them dry overnight usually, in the open position on a paper towel. Once dry, I wipe it down with a silicone treated gun gloth. You can actually see the silicone on the blade. It works ten times better than oil. IMHO. YMMV. That's daily use razors. I imagine razors wiped down with the cloth would survive a good 6 monhts in storage, maybe more...

    Now, For razors I'm storing long term (not in current use). These may sit months on end...I'm trying two different things at the moment. I recently picked up some Renaissance Wax. This stuff is not cheap. It's used by the British Museum, and is Petroleum based. It does smell kinda funky, but leaves a beautiful lustorous, Fingerprint free shine, and protects, pretty much everything. Highly recommend....

    I also have stuff called T9, or Boeshield. It's an oil based application used by Boeing originally to protect aircraft in storage. That's good for long term storage.
    I've also heard Tuff Glide is good stuff...

    I don't want anyone to make the mistake I made, and try to store razors with oil on them. If you do, oil them, then lightly wipe it with toilet tissue. You want the thinnest coat of oil possible. When I took them out, I had a sticky, nasty, sometimes, rusty mess. We're talkng Vintage Wonderedges, Puma's and the like. When you start collecting razors. You need to be proactive about it. Take them out frequently, and check them.
    Last edited by zib; 05-11-2011 at 12:36 PM.
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  8. #7
    ace is offline
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    I purchased some Renaissance Wax, and it is expensive. I received an Ebay razor, a nice one, coated with it, and it took forever to get it off. I haven't tried to use it myself because of that experience. I've been using mineral oil, but only coating the bevels with it, not the entire blade.

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  10. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ace View Post
    I purchased some Renaissance Wax, and it is expensive. I received an Ebay razor, a nice one, coated with it, and it took forever to get it off. I haven't tried to use it myself because of that experience. I've been using mineral oil, but only coating the bevels with it, not the entire blade.
    WoW, That's not good. I heard it can dry hard. I wiped it on, and pretty much wiped it right off. So far, so good. It doesn't seem to be a problem. Looks like I'll be checking those razors today...
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  11. #9
    I BLEED BLUE nycexit2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ace View Post
    No blood drawn? Geez, you're missing out on all the fun. Maybe your razor isn't sharp enough.
    What he said. You need to hone up your blade if you are not bleeding yet lol.

  12. #10
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I'm not sure I would be using 3 in 1 oil. It won't harm the razor but it has some powerful chemicals in it which may not be good for your skin if any gets on it or for your strops either.

    Often times bleeding doesn't happen during the first shaves because most guys are pretty careful. It's after you have a few shaves under your belt that you become over confident and let your guard down and then zowee it gets you.
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