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Thread: New Razor Struggles

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    In General i would advise for newbies less expensive but quality blade.
    it will be used honed and in classified you could find for 50 or less.
    You can try shave ready blade and shave with it for a months to figure it out do you like to use straight razor or not?
    Do you have enough patience to learn how to use straight razor etc.
    Newbies have a great chance to drop the blade ,hit sink so on.
    if anything happens not big deal you bought 50.00 and you find out what is next step.
    You like straight razor go head spend more and buy brand new razor better quality etc.
    if i were you i would read wiki first and spend some time to practice stropping etc.
    then choose one blade from classified and move on.
    just my 0.2 cent.
    hope helps.

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to hi_bud_gl For This Useful Post:

    kbpipes (06-16-2011)

  3. #12
    the deepest roots TwistedOak's Avatar
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    I would think about it realistically. Would your wife really be hurt if you told her you wanted to save some money exchanging for a razor that is more aesthetically pleasing to you? Especially since I doubt she knows much about razors and assumed price dictated quality, as in most things. Just my 5 cents.

    If you want a Dovo, exchange it. Personally I would stick with the TI.

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to TwistedOak For This Useful Post:

    kbpipes (06-16-2011)

  5. #13
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    Thanks guys you all convinced me to buy a 2nd razor. Something less expensive to learn on, but I actually think I am going to return it. Mainly because something unexpected has come up, and I am going to have to shell out a few hindered dollars. I would rather pay cash then use credit. So there goes my razor and my savings lol. I will keep an eye out maybe buy something in a month.

    Thanks again guys for all your great advice.

  6. #14
    Member JohnJ's Avatar
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    [edited, didn't see the last post.]

  7. #15
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kbpipes View Post
    Thanks guys you all convinced me to buy a 2nd razor. Something less expensive to learn on, but I actually think I am going to return it. Mainly because something unexpected has come up, and I am going to have to shell out a few hindered dollars. I would rather pay cash then use credit. So there goes my razor and my savings lol. I will keep an eye out maybe buy something in a month.

    Thanks again guys for all your great advice.
    That sounds like a good plan, but you forgot two important things.
    1. Include your wife in this plan/decision.
    2. Buy/do something nice for your wife as a thank you.

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to Utopian For This Useful Post:

    kbpipes (06-17-2011)

  9. #16
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    Thanks Utopian great points,

  10. #17
    Senior Member HigherFasterNow's Avatar
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    I'd keep the TI. I have 2, they both came with great factory edges, totally shave ready. I prefer my TI's over my dovo and Boker's. Just my 2¢, I'm but a humble newb trying to sort things out myself. Also I don know what it's worth but, even if your new, get the razor you want. I know it's advisable to go cheap, but I didn't and I don't regret it at all. Then again in just 2 months I've collected 5 razors and have 2 more on the way.... And I want 2 more after that... Oh man I have problems...
    mjhammer likes this.

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