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Thread: Bigger is not always better...!

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  1. #1
    Senior Member carazor's Avatar
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    Default Bigger is not always better...!

    There's so much focus on whether it's a 7/8 or 5/8 or whatever....What I've determined is the length is more important than the width of the blade. I get the best shaves now with my little 5/8 Flaschner 3" razor! Sure, it's not as impressive looking at the big 8/8 Wade and Butcher 3.5" monster blade, but when it comes to utility, it will shave circles around that big blade. I liken the difference to be like driving a Ferrari versus a Mercedes S500. The Flaschner is my Ferrari. I can get all the nooks and crannies of my face with that smaller 3" length and a more consistent BBS all over. And this after only 2 days of shaving with it, imagine how good it will be once I get used to it.
    Last edited by carazor; 08-17-2011 at 06:12 PM.

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