Just to offer my two cents. Quitting seems reasonable to me. I have two kids under three. The time this takes is a bit more hassle than almost any other shaving option. I have been using the straight for 6 months now with only intermittent Mach 3 use for mornings where the straight was not going to fit into the schedule. I have sent them off for one sharpening, but I don't have the desire to learn the honing process, I figure the cost of sending them off to sharpen three or four times a year balances out with the cost of mach 3 blades. I don't have the time for the honing learning curve. It took me three months to get consistently decent shaves, and even now, if I am honest the mach 3 is the quicker and better shave. It just isn't as much fun, and the improvement with the straight is continueing... so I am sticking with it.

I have noticed that the blades are staying sharp longer. I am also noticing a dramatic difference in quality of the shave between types of soaps and quality of lather. Bad soap with bad lather pulls and sucks...

Good luck in your other hobbies.