Quote Originally Posted by AFDavis11 View Post
This forum is full of beginners, learning. The experienced guys don't stick around long. The ratio of beginners to experts can make straight shaving seeeeem difficult.

It really isn't at all.

It's so simple, in basic practice, that it produces these strange RAD, SCAD, BAD, CLAD, acquisition disorders.

Feel free to "quit", whatever that means to you, but also remember that we have a DE section and you are always welcome.

You only need about 10 minutes with a real expert, one who truly gets it, a good razor (sharpened once), a real strop, and a hone to be able to "straight shave".

After that, the hobby becomes self inflicted. You want a better shave, so you spend more time shaving. I've spent more time over the last year ordering a new DE razor over the Internet than I spent maintaining the one razor that I normally shave with.

I also know a lot of guys that visit, post, and socialize with people here, and don't shave with a straight. It's not a requirement, we don't take dues, and you don't have to subscribe.

Remember that being a "member" of this site is like being a friend. You don't have to quit that part.

Your right down the road from me---I'm in Reston.

Since I've quit, I keep sneaking shaves in with my straight. (I feel so ashamed) It seems I cant quit that easily after all. Is their a Straight Razors Anonymous?

I've not yet tried the two new razors honed by Lynn but the paddle strop seems to have made a difference with my first.. Not razor sharp, but dam sharp.

I'm such a quitter. In this case, it looks like I'll be quitting quitting.