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  • 1 Post By bottomfeeder

Thread: Never stray from SRP!

  1. #1
    Senior Member bottomfeeder's Avatar
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    Default Never stray from SRP!

    I just can't say enough about this site. I have to give the founder and members of SRP a huge thumbs up. You truely are great asset to those of us new to this art. Everthing from the abundance of instructional info to everyones willingness to answer questions and offer advice. This is the only site one should ever have to come to.

    This couldn't have been made more aparently clear to me than after reading an arcticle on another mens site who's main focus was not on the STR8. The article instructed you to start going ATG on your first pass then following it up by going WTG. Now aside from this obviously being wrong, I would think it is potentialy extremely hazzardess advice to offer one who may be trying this for the first time.

    So again thank you SRP for everthing you do for us rookies and to all my fellow noobs..Please be carefull about straying from this place. You really can't trust everything you read but I feel confident in saying if you read it here you can be sure you're getting the most quailifed and reliable info out there.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member HigherFasterNow's Avatar
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    Well said. The weath of knowledge, the helpfulness of the members, and just the general attitude around this site has made it easy for me, and I imagine many of us, to lurk here daily. Though I admit that I start my shaves with ATG then WTG, but that took me a good many shaves before I ever attempted it LOL.

  3. #3
    Senior Member carazor's Avatar
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    SRP and SRD are pretty much all you need! I've had nothing but great experiences buying things from the classifieds on SRP and of course SRD is the gold standard in my opinion.

  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    You know the old saying "you've tried the rest, now you're at the best".
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  5. #5
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    One word: OUCH! Especially if you have a couple of days growth trying to shave ATG.

  6. #6
    ..mama I know we broke the rules... Maxi's Avatar
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    There absolutely is an abundance of information on this site. Each time I do a specific search, I'm in awe of the amount of articles and threads that appear on any topic.

    We're glad you're keep spreading the word!

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