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  1. #1
    Nix is offline
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    Talking Best shave yet with new kit

    I'm one happy man today: I had a great shave today with a new kit (for me).

    The razor was an old Giesen & Forsthoff "Adoration" from eBay--my first eBay purchase. The Mitchell's Wool Fat soap was new as well (it's been around since 1893, but still new to me). The brush goes back 25 years or so and is becoming a bit thin, but is still quite serviceable.

    Prep was a face wash with Noxema, hot towel for a minute, then a good lather. The new G&F is very thinly ground and shaved magnificently. It has a couple of discolored spots on it, but after stropping on diamond paste, linen, and leather the edge was ready to go.

    I'm unimpressed with the handles on the G&F, but the razor itself worked like a dream. I think I'm coming to the conclusion that I prefer a square or spike point to the round point of my Dovo. I wonder if using a new razor made me pay attention a bit better or if my technique is just getting better.

    Either way, a great shave today!

  2. #2
    zib is offline
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    It looks pretty good to me, actually, I kinda like the handles. The grain in them make it stand out, If it was just plain butterscotch, it may not look as good, (to me that is...)
    I have a Henckels that has similar scales.

    You can never go wrong with MWF. It's a good all around soap, so is their bath/hand soap. Pick up a couple of bars. It makes for a great pre shave experience. I prefer spikes myself. You definitley need to pay more attention when using one. I've clipped my left ear more than I care to remember. I actually have a scar now. I've learned to pull my ear back on that side when I use a spike. I may have faulty depth perception or something. With a round point, no worries.
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  3. #3
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Hello, Nix, and congratulations. That is equipment for the right start. Remember, Mitchell's Wool Fat loves water, lots of water. Also, it gets a little too sassy with extremely hot water. Tap-warm water is plenty. The razor and brush both look sweet, too. Enjoy the ritual.
    Last edited by zib; 10-22-2011 at 12:17 AM. Reason: spelling

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