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Thread: I'm at a loss and I just can't seem to find out what I'm doing wrong

  1. #11
    The Knight who says NI! mcgyver74's Avatar
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    I'll take a whack at this...

    Are you holding the razor in a "death grip" For me I found that once I loosened my grip and just held the razor gently but enough to control my shaves got way better...(I was putting too much pressure as a result of holding it too tightly..)

  2. #12
    Senior Member pmburk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bplaia View Post
    I'm giving it a try, but I just don't know what "no pressure" even feels like so I can't be sure if I'm succeeding at eliminating pressure
    What Ace is trying to say, do not press on your razor when shaving. All you need is the razor's natural gravity on your face as your pressure. The shaving and does not apply presssure, it only guides the razor during the shaving process. This takes time and many shaves to get the feel for zero pressure.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by bplaia View Post
    yes, I was able to get really impressive shaves before this, and that's what's keeping me motivated to keep going, because I just loved getting a BBS shave with a straight.
    Okay, technique is ruled out, and so is pressure. That leaves a dull blade or a rolled edge. First try stropping the hell out of the edge - at the very least double your stropping laps (both material and leather). If that doesn't yield better results your edge needs a touchup. If you have pastes or stones, use them. Otherwise you'll have to send it out for honing. Either way, I'll almost guarantee a better shaving experience.

  4. #14
    Junior Member bplaia's Avatar
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    Ok so I gave today's shave a different approach. I Showered before, but didn't shave immediately after. I wet my face with cold water and brushed on some barbasol and let it sit while I stropped the razor and whipped up a super larger with col. conks bay rum soap and T&H ultimate comfort cream. Then I rinsed off the barbasol with cold water and did a cold water shave. Pretty good results seeing as I took extra care to focus on pressure and I had little irritation except for one spot where I forgot to watch the pressure. I definitely have to concentrate on the pressure cause I apparently have a naturally heavy hand. I am liking the cold water shave tho. Felt really close. I do have visible stubble tho even with a BBS shave and I think it's cause I'm too white lol
    Last edited by bplaia; 12-22-2011 at 05:17 AM.

  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bplaia View Post
    I do have visible stubble tho even with a BBS shave and I think it's cause I'm too white lol
    Dark whiskers and light skin ... there is
    always a shadow. That is life...

    To stay sane go for a "good to go shave" with an open blade
    at first. As your comfort and skill with the blade improve
    you will get better and better shaves.

    My shadow has almost vanished now that
    my whiskers are almost all white.

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