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Thread: I'm at a loss and I just can't seem to find out what I'm doing wrong

  1. #1
    Junior Member bplaia's Avatar
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    Default I'm at a loss and I just can't seem to find out what I'm doing wrong

    So, I must have gotten complacent and developed a bad habit or two, because I absolutely cannot shave lately without getting bad razor burn at the right corner of my upper lip and at the left corner of my lower lip. No matter what I do, I cannot seem to grip the razor correctly to be able to go XTG on the upper lip (so I avoid the Fool's Pass) and ATG on my chin area. The way my grain grows is such that I would have to go diagonally on the right side so that I start from the outside of my jaw and come across to my lower lip in order to get AGT in that area. I've been trying to keep the pressure as minimal as possible, and I think I've been doing a good job, but obviously not good enough. That and my blade angle could be the problems, but I'm just not sure. I think I need to be shown all the correct way to do it. It's very frustrating because I love shaving with a straight but I get discouraged with some pretty bad results (nicks, razor burn and visible stubble no matter how smooth to the touch it feels that I shaved)

  2. #2
    ace is offline
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    You can't use too little pressure. You just can't. Eliminate pressure and see what happens. If your blade is shave ready, it needs no help at all to cut whiskers.
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  3. #3
    Junior Member bplaia's Avatar
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    I'm giving it a try, but I just don't know what "no pressure" even feels like so I can't be sure if I'm succeeding at eliminating pressure

  4. #4
    Senior Member Havachat45's Avatar
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    If your razor is shave ready all you need is to keep your angle low for the ATG pass and use just enough pressure to take the lather off - no more - and don't worry too much 'cause most of us have been where you are.
    Let us know how you go.
    Hang on and enjoy the ride
    Hang on and enjoy the ride...

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  6. #5
    ace is offline
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    No pressure is allowing the weight of the blade to do the work. Using too little pressure is possible but unlikely. If you use too little pressure, you may have meager results, but you'll get no razor burn, and that is a good thing.

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  8. #6
    Senior Member TURNMASTER's Avatar
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    Where I sometimes get razor burn is on the outside of my neck and it seems to be an angle thing for me.


  9. #7
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    Were you able to get a good shave before this slump? (if yes it rules out shaving technique....)

  10. #8
    Senior Member Johnus's Avatar
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    I find that there are just some blocks of time3/4 days were I just can't get a good shave. Who knows; atmospheric pressure, temporary water weight gain, who knows. On those days I just go easy. I don't try any thing fancy.... Use a DE or SE that you feel comfortable with. I will all come back. Then shave in the present. Remember what you did right in the past and what you want it to be tomorrow. Bring all three together. It'll work.

  11. #9
    Junior Member bplaia's Avatar
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    yes, I was able to get really impressive shaves before this, and that's what's keeping me motivated to keep going, because I just loved getting a BBS shave with a straight. I'm considering not shaving with a straight for about a week and letting my face regenerate then giving it a new shot from scratch. Ok, let's be real, I wont be able to wait a week but three or four days maybe

  12. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ace View Post
    You can't use too little pressure. You just can't. Eliminate pressure and see what happens. If your blade is shave ready, it needs no help at all to cut whiskers.
    +1 on the pressure. For me I also find that a lower angle

    Also you can get out of the shower and apply some
    antibiotic cream to the problem area and then shave
    the bad spot without lather. Then apply a smear of
    antibiotic ointment again.

    Also find a bag of six yellow handled BiC razors for
    sensitive skin. These tossables are just ordinary razors
    but are smooth and sharp enough to shave the problem
    areas. Use a single pass with the grain.

    For that light feeling hold the BiC with two fingers at the
    last little bit of the handle. Do not hold it with a white
    knuckle fist. Transfer that light touch and light feel to
    your str8 shaving.

    The key is that these tossables can get you a single pass shave that is
    not too close i.e. lets your skin heal. The wide throat lets hot
    water wash off the antibiotic cream in hot even scalding hot water....

    Minimize the number of products... avoid alcohol.
    After shaving pat dry with a clean towel and wait
    a full 20 min for your skin to air dry before applying
    any product...
    markdfhr likes this.

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