The answer would still be prety much the one you'd rather not hear, with the added information of blade size preferences. For exampla a 5'8 full hollow will be lighter than a 5/8 1/4 hollow,which in turn would be lighter than a wedge. However I will answer as best I can with my limited experience of different modern razors. Limited solely because I don't have a vast collection. I have two 5/8 razors I will offer a comparison of. One is a G&F Timor and the other a Dovo Pearlex. The only difference is a slightly handle heavier feel to the pearlex due to having slightly thicker scales and an extra pin (blade stop). Usability and handling of both these razors is on a comparison, with neither being any better than the other. As to balance, well I have other blades designed for throwing, my razors I use for shaving and both these razors seem to be equal in that handling regard. All my other raors are wider blades, and as a personal thing I prefer blades 6/8 as a miniimum. Wider is better with my preference going to my 13/16 or 8/8 razors. All my razors are also all hollow grinds.I haven't located a wedge in my price bracket yet, so haven't had the chance to try one.
Others here will be of more help, but hopefully what I have said is a start for your information search.
