Quote Originally Posted by Xel View Post
Thanks for the responses. I wasn't asking what the best razor is, or which I should buy; I was asking about the specifics of some of the major brands. Does Dovo really have nothing specific to the brand as compared to TI, for example? Better or worse built? Generally lighter in the hand or heavier? Uses steel that takes a hone better, worse than, or the same as? The point of my question is this - the fact that people have preferences mean that there ARE differences in the blades. Many people that I've talked to have some brand loyalty, such as "I absolutely love TI razors". What I'm looking for in this thread are the qualities that would make a person say that. I know a lot of it is feel, but since we're men here and technically don't have feelings, there has to be something about the blades specifically that a person likes or that define the brand.
What you're asking can't be categorized in a quantitative fashion, at least not objectively. Every "favorite razor" thread, or even brand loyalty for that matter, is totally subjective; there are just too many personal preferences involved. Generally speaking, any brand of razor in the wiki database is considered good-to-excellent, meaning they are made of good steel, will hold an edge, have collectors value etc, which are the reasons why we like them. Sorry if that's not what you wanted to hear, but it's the truth.