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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default balsa and Chromium oxide semi paste .5 micron

    Ok, I want to crox this balsa board using a mixture of Fromm dressing. What is the mixture ratio? I know I don't want to use to much. I sanded it with 600 grit paper on glass like a stone. Whould you say I need refine it with a smaller grit size. Once completed how many laps should I perform on the 8 inch board and how often?Click image for larger version. 

Name:	001.jpg 
Views:	411 
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ID:	91254
    Last edited by pprisztas; 02-26-2012 at 01:08 PM.

  2. #2
    Enthusiast Gammaray's Avatar
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    This is an excellent start. The prep is fine. I have tried finer grits but anything past 1000 just seems to make the surface harder to me.

    If you paint it on with a brush then I would recommend about a tablespoon of the dressing. Mix in the CrO a little bit at a time using a small stir stick or some toothpicks. The Fromm dressing is already pretty thick so the mixture should get nice and green but not too thick. I am guessing here, but it will probably accept ~ teaspoon of CrO. Some guys use a light oil or even water as a thinner if it gets too thick. Paint it on liberally with a small 1/2" or so make-up brush (steal from your mother, wife or girl friend; they are very soft) or modeling brush and let it dry. You can get a second or even a third coat from a tablespoon. Enjoy.

    I strop ~20-30 laps with rather light pressure then go straight to the leather for 100. I may repeat this if necessary but if it needs more than this on the balsa/CrO you may need to hone the bevel back into perfection. Good luck.

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    pprisztas (02-26-2012)

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