I had been shaving with the straight on and off for years [YEARS!!! - in frustration]. I think I've came as close as need be several months ago. I no longer cut myself. I had two problems area for a while. The first was the mustache. Because I learned how to shave with the mustache, and now longer have one, I would often cut myself when shaving that area. My second problem area was the lower right cheek. Don't ask me why or how, right above where the jaw-bone runs, I would routinely (about once every other month or so) cut myself in the exact same spot. Now, I never cut myself. Also, being I'm on a high dose of coumadin (the result of heart bypass and hear valve replacement surgery six years ago) there is a little extra incentive to do this absolutely correct. DAF, my only suggestion to you is this (I've said this before): just pull your skin very tightly, either by physically pulling the skin or by contorting your face. That will create a surface of the skin so tight that the blade can't bite. And, in time, you will develop the "feel." That is, the ability to sense when you're about to cut yourself, and you back of in the nick [pun intended] of time.