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Thread: First straight razor. Can anyone tell me about my razor?

  1. #1
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    Default First straight razor. Can anyone tell me about my razor?

    I'm brand new here. I was given a straight razor today, but no info. Does anyone know anything about this razor? I know pretty much nothing about this thing. Anyone know how old it is? Thanks!Name:  razor.jpg
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Cove5440's Avatar
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    Check out the Boker Brotherhood. It has a number of similar razors. I'll check the wiki in a sec for you too.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Cove5440's Avatar
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    Here's what I found:,_H._%26_Co.

    Looks like 1924- 1935 year range.

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to Cove5440 For This Useful Post:

    manderso (03-18-2012)

  5. #4
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    I can tell you it's a Boker "King Cutter" -- I have two similar to it (but in worse condition). Except for the rust near the pivot, it looks like it's in excellent condition.

    It will be a very good shaver, after it's been honed.

    They aren't "top-of-the-line" razors -- no fancy features -- but good steel, well-ground. The scales are likely to be plastic. [I may be corrected by more-knowledgeable members.]

    . Charles

    PS -- i forgot about the "Boker Brotherhood" .. . sorry . .

  6. #5
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Boker, King Cutter , one of the highly respected brands, and one of their top shavers.. Looks to be in pretty good shape too, hone it or have it cleaned and honed and yer ready to go

    In the Razor subforum is the "Boker Brotherhood" search it out for a ton of info and pics

  7. #6
    Obsessive compulsive EisenFaust's Avatar
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    Boker King Cutter? - legendary razor. I'd say its from the early to mid 1900's. Looks to be in great condition - have her pro honed and you'll be away!

  8. #7
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default Merged your two threads

    No need to post the same thing twice, I left it in the Beginners Forum as I am pretty sure you will have more questions as you get more info..

    Duplicate post deleted

    Also Welcome to SRP feel free to ask tons of questions

    Glen Senior Mod SRP

  9. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    No need to post the same thing twice, I left it in the Beginners Forum as I am pretty sure you will have more questions as you get more info..

    Duplicate post deleted

    Also Welcome to SRP feel free to ask tons of questions

    Glen Senior Mod SRP
    Yeah, I tried to delete one, but couldn't find the option. Thanks!
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  10. #9
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cpcohen1945 View Post
    I can tell you it's a Boker "King Cutter" -- I have two similar to it (but in worse condition). Except for the rust near the pivot, it looks like it's in excellent condition.

    It will be a very good shaver, after it's been honed.

    They aren't "top-of-the-line" razors -- no fancy features -- but good steel, well-ground. The scales are likely to be plastic. [I may be corrected by more-knowledgeable members.]

    . Charles

    PS -- i forgot about the "Boker Brotherhood" .. . sorry . .
    yup, "nothing special at all" the king cutter is just a superb razor from back in the day when razors were just tools to remove your beard, not the high art that we are making it these days. as for date this model was made from around 1900-1930. and in the old boker catalog (1906) you could get the king cutter with all sorts of fancy scales as well.

    manderso on the back of the tang does it say "made in germany" or at least "germany" or "girmany"?
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  11. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by syslight View Post
    yup, "nothing special at all" the king cutter is just a superb razor from back in the day when razors were just tools to remove your beard, not the high art that we are making it these days. as for date this model was made from around 1900-1930. and in the old boker catalog (1906) you could get the king cutter with all sorts of fancy scales as well.

    manderso on the back of the tang does it say "made in germany" or at least "germany" or "girmany"?
    It says "Germany"

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