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Thread: Rust?

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    Default Rust?

    Hi all- just got a dovo. Tonight got called out to go deal with Kids and didn't dry the blade well enough- checked on it later and after just 2 hours a few little rust spots formed. Able to mostly get them off by rubbing but now looks a bit tarnished/stained. Suggestions? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Nuntits's Avatar
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    Autosol? Be wary with gold wash and autosol though(FYI, it comes off)

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Rust doesn't just affect the very surface it penetrates. So you got the surface stuff off but it marred the underneath. Any quality metal polish will work but if gold wash is involved it will come off.

  4. #4
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    Thanks- appreciate it. I guess you have to be vigilant to dry it very well! In one week I've already managed to nick my strop, chin and get a rust spot on the blade. Awesome.

  5. #5
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thisoldfish View Post
    Thanks- appreciate it. I guess you have to be vigilant to dry it very well! In one week I've already managed to nick my strop, chin and get a rust spot on the blade. Awesome.
    Well that sounds about right! you are doing fine... rust marks create character and teach lessons.


  6. #6
    -- There is no try, only do. Morty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thisoldfish View Post
    Hi all- just got a dovo. Tonight got called out to go deal with Kids and didn't dry the blade well enough- checked on it later and after just 2 hours a few little rust spots formed. Able to mostly get them off by rubbing but now looks a bit tarnished/stained. Suggestions? Thanks.
    A couple of years ago in THIS THREAD about rust on a Dovo, Utopian talks about a process he's been using since 2002 to successfully prevent his razors from rusting. He first mentions it in post #2, explains the process in post #5 and comments on it further in post #22.

    There's discussion about using different kinds of alcohol but Utopian says it doesn't matter. He'd mentioned his process in other threads and IIRC, he said he used 70% isopropyl alcohol.

    I've been using his method described in post #5 ever since reading that thread. I let my razor dry open for the time it takes to rinse my brush, clean & dry my scuttle and apply witch hazel and after shave balm then put it away. Quick and easy to do and zero problems with rust ever since.

    Utopian isn't with us anymore. Bummer his rust preventive process isn't a sticky in the Beginners section or the wiki because it's simple and it works.

  7. #7
    I need a hone for my wit... CoreyZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morty View Post
    A couple of years ago in THIS THREAD about rust on a Dovo, Utopian talks about a process he's been using since 2002 to successfully prevent his razors from rusting. He first mentions it in post #2, explains the process in post #5 and comments on it further in post #22.

    There's discussion about using different kinds of alcohol but Utopian says it doesn't matter. He'd mentioned his process in other threads and IIRC, he said he used 70% isopropyl alcohol.

    I've been using his method described in post #5 ever since reading that thread. I let my razor dry open for the time it takes to rinse my brush, clean & dry my scuttle and apply witch hazel and after shave balm then put it away. Quick and easy to do and zero problems with rust ever since.

    Utopian isn't with us anymore. Bummer his rust preventive process isn't a sticky in the Beginners section or the wiki because it's simple and it works.
    Interesting post... I had not seen it yet.

    Personally I blow air through the hinge areas of the blade to get any excess water out and leave it open while I wash out the brush and bowl. Then I grab a couple squares of tissue and dry the blade before I slap on a coat of mineral oil over all the metal surfaces. I also dont ever rinse the blade while shaving and only run the edge over the towel I used as a hot towel on my face for prep since its moist, just to get the lather and hairs off. Havent had any issues yet!

  8. #8
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    just out of curiosity what ever happened to utopia (ron) i talked to him alot about barber hones.

  9. #9
    -- There is no try, only do. Morty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deerhunter1995 View Post
    just out of curiosity what ever happened to utopia (ron)
    He's listed as a "banned user." No idea what the backstory is.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoreyZ View Post
    Then I grab a couple squares of tissue and dry the blade before I slap on a coat of mineral oil over all the metal surfaces.
    That's what I used to do. As careful as I was, I was always concerned about cutting myself when drying the blade or slathering on the mineral oil. That's what I like about Utopian's alcohol/oil bath. I use an olive bottle for it. One dip then a wipe on the towel with a stropping motion, a second dip then air dry for a couple of minutes. No danger of slicing my fingers open.

    But I could just be more clumsy than everyone else. ;-)
    Morty -_-

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