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Thread: Saftey Razors

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Another thing to take into consideration is that all blades aren't equal. Some blades that might be fine for one person are not good for another. You would be surprised at some of the polls where one guys favorite blade is rated lousy by another guy. That is why the blade sampler packs found on some internet sites are good when starting out with DE.

    I personally like Feather DE blades and the old Gillette Swedes. I don't think the Swedes are available anymore and I gave up on DE for straight some years ago, except in an emergency. I still have a large cache of Feathers along with some other misc blades so I don't know what the current market is. Anyway, get a blade sampler pack and you will be able to find which brand of blade is best for you.

  2. #12
    Senior Member mjsorkin's Avatar
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    This is really a question with as many answers as there are shavers. You have to find out what works for you.

    I rarely shave with a DE but I keep my Merkur loaded with a blade at all times for touchups and the occasional shave. I like feathers for this because they don't seem to rust. So I can just use the razor sporadically without a lot of maintenance. One blade stays in for a while until I get the urge to change it. Derby's rust after a while, but I have a lifetime supply so that doesn't really matter. When I''m using Derby's I just toss the blade at the first sign of trouble.


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