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Thread: When you start to know

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Default When you start to know

    It is a good feeling when you start to know that it is the razor and not a myriad of other variables that is making for a sub par shave. I am 6 months in and am starting to be confident enough of my shaving technique and stropping ability that when I got a sub par slightly irritating 3 pass shave this morning I took it to mean the edge needed a tune up.

    Some work on a 12000 Naniwa and Crox pasted strop followed by a regular stropping and a 1 pass test shave gave a comfortable irritation free shave. Yea, it did remove whiskers left behind by the slightly irritating 3 pass sub par previous shave.

    I only mention this to reinforce the idea that for other beginners it can take quite a while for everything to start to come together. Think in terms of months and not days and that is shaving everyday. But then not everyone is a slow learner like myself, YMMV.

    jaswarb and PortlandJosh like this.
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  3. #2
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    I don't think you are slow. Last seven months daily sometimes twice and I am just now getting good complete smooth shaves. I figure in a couple of more years the exact cause of my effects will become evident as they occur without cogitating and face rubbing and razor checking.
    It just keeps getting better

  4. #3
    ..mama I know we broke the rules... Maxi's Avatar
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    You're right on target!

    There are so many variables present to the new shaver. It does take time to get it together. I think it was Birnando that said something to the effect of: I was getting good shaves at 3 months and thought I knew quite a bit, and then at 6 months I realized how little I actually knew at 3.

    B, if I didn't get that totally correct I apologize. I sort of remember something to that extent from another thread some time ago.

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