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Thread: Minimum time before you can shave again

  1. #1
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    Default Minimum time before you can shave again

    I usually prefer a succinct thread title but could not come up with one. Anyone want to give it a shot?

    Any how, whats the minimum time before you can shave again?

    I find that I need at least 28 hours before I can shave again.

    I could definitely shave after 16 hours or so but it'd have to be ATG only. WTG and XTG would do nothing.

    That means I need to schedule my shaves.

    Sometimes I want to be "just shaved" for an evening out and sometimes I want to be freshly shaved for a morning meeting at work.

    If I want to be be freshly shaved for a 7pm social outing with friends. I need to have shaved at least 28 hours before it.

    Whats the minimum hair spurt before you can have again?
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  2. #2
    RazorBase DB application developer
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    I find that 48 hrs is ideal, and I mostly do that since a bit of stubble is acceptable at work. I have shaved every day, but after a couple of days the chance of giving myself razor burn goes up a lot. I reckon I could shave every 36 hrs, but that would mean morning shaves and I prefer to do it in the evening.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    If I do all WTG & XTG passes I could shave in 12 hours. A daily average for me I would say is every 20 hrs. shaving once a day is enough for me.
    I'll skip shaves in the morning if I know I'm going out later, other than that I usually shave before work

  4. #4
    Senior Member Furcifer's Avatar
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    It's really about every 30 hours or so for me. I shave every 24, tough it out for 5 days at a time and then skip a day on the weekends. Shaving every time the least little stubble begins to appear is just NOT GOOD for me. It's better to let it grow out a bit, and 24 hours is not quite enough. Unfortunatly, the Navy doesn't see it my way... (In boot camp, they'd make me shave twice a day and I was burning all the time, but there was nothing about boot camp that wasn't painful.)

    I'm hoping that as my straight-razor shaving improves, I'll be able to get down to 24 hours. As it is, I've got some pretty good abrasions on my neck for my first straight-razor shave, so it'll be at least a couple of days before I try that again.

  5. #5
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    I've shaved twice in one day before (with a straight). When I started I couldn't fathom the idea of that, though I wanted to. Normally it's once each morning; same time, so 24 hours. My skin could take more now but in the beginning it couldn't so much...
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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Once each morning for me and sometimes twice a day if I want to look and feel real tiddley for the evening.

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  7. #7
    little strokes fell great oaks szarvi's Avatar
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    There is the question of why do you want to shave...? For the "look's" sake of for the "feel's" sake. For example I have pale skin and dark stubble so it doesn't matter how nice and smooth my face is, the stubble is still visible. So if I had to do another shave the same day for the look's sake, I'd definitely skip it. Anyway, when I do a decent 3/4 pass in the morning, it is still all right in the evening.

    However, if I want to be smooth, I can't skip the ATG pass. But my skin does not tolerate two ATGs in one day, so I'd skip the morning shave altogether and do it in the afternoon instead.

    Or I'd do only WTG and XTG in the morning and XTG and ATG in the evening. But then nothing at all the very next day. (though I haven't tried this yet :-))

    So, to the original question, 24 hours at least for me, plus skipping one day per week to give some rest to the skin.

  8. #8
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    I shave once in 48 hours. I could go once every 24, but I don't have to front up to a boss in an office enviroment who demands that clean shave look. Also I find my stubble has greyed considerably over the years and it is not so noticable as it once was.

    shayne and Havachat45 like this.

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hedonist222 View Post
    I usually prefer a succinct thread title but could not come up with one. Anyone want to give it a shot?

    Any how, whats the minimum time before you can shave again?
    Mostly it depends on you.

    Your face.
    Your touch... (light is good)
    Your razor... (not too sharp not too dull)
    Your latherin... (perfect soak time, not too wet, not too dry, nothing irritating).
    Your expectations.

    I found that once I was willing to settle for a "good to go" shave
    in contrast to a BBS shave I found that I could shave each day
    and touch up my shave for a hot date once in a while.

    A BBS goal was just too close for my face.

    Mostly the razor was key. A good strop with
    CeOx or CrOx was almost a requirement for a sharp
    yet smooth open blade razor the way I hone.

    On the DE razor front Feather blades were out
    for the first shave or two. Oddly enough DE blades from
    Target would give me two or three darn fine shaves and
    may be the best DE value I have run into. Audition
    a lot of DE blades there are some prizes out there.

    Tossables like the BiC yellow handled single blade
    razor for sensitive skin are the easy to learn 24 hour
    shave with a hot Friday date touch up and skip Saturday
    shave plan.
    JeffR likes this.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Havachat45's Avatar
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    I find it differs from razor to razor and lather to lather.

    I shaved with a Simmonds full hollow off a Sigma 13K a few weeks ago and couldn't even feel stubble for 36 hours and yet with a 4/8 W&B wedge off a coticle I can feel stubble after about 12 hours (it's not noticable though).

    It must be a YMMV kind of thing
    MickR and BobH like this.
    Hang on and enjoy the ride...

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