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Thread: Question for casual SR shavers

  1. #1
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    Default Question for casual SR shavers

    So I'm maybe four or five shaves in since christmas. Still using a DE shavette.

    A question for you guys who don't shave nearly every day: do you find its significantly easier or harder with more beard growth? I did a few in one week and then let it go over a week, and I'm just about due. I started to cut myself more than I did the more I went on, so I figured it was from such short hair. I really enjoy it and I'm learning a lot about my technique and style. I'm figuring out what I want in a real blade.

    Any thoughts?


  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I skip a day here and there and my facial skin feels a little relief from the daily regimen. Recently have had pneumonia and about over it now. Didn't shave for 4 or 5 days. When I did it was real nice. Maybe a bit more difficult. Not sure. I know every other day is nice IME. I think once you get a really good shave ready sure enough straight razor you'll see a positive difference.

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  4. #3
    Senior Member JackofDiamonds's Avatar
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    Default Question for casual SR shavers

    I don't shave every day. My skin can feel a little rough on the neck if I skip like a week, but a few days? I see no difference. Especially if I do the pulling and stretching on the skin, as one should.
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  5. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Jimmy, Glad you're on the mend.

    I did my 3rd DE shave in the last 3 yrs, and couldn't wait to get back to the straight the next day. When I had to travel unexpectedly, I didn't want to hassle the SS at the airport and decided if I couldn't use a straight - I wouldn't shave. So I got home w/ a 6 day growth. It was going to be either a magnificent Williams or a recent 1/4 H. Henckels. The Henckels got the toss and just loved the whole shaggy mess off. That stupid Henckels is the most talkative - highest feedback heavy grind I've touched - easily as loud as most of my hollows & extra hollows. That's rare in a 1/4 hol. But if I were to have one or two blades that would be used less than daily, a heavy grind of something would be the blade. The others will do the job just fine - and do. But they are a bit more demanding of technique, and I love the comfort of the big heavy beard-eating lawnmower.
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  6. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    If I let mine go a few days when I shave it catches the hairs in the air where the blade is not against the skin and feels like it pulls them some.. Makes it a little ruff to start a new pass unless it is from smooth area. Other than that it's all about the same. Since I started using a straight I don't miss many days. I still can't believe I love to shave. :<0)
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  7. #6
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    Default Re: Question for casual SR shavers

    shaving with a soap stick is easier if you miss a couple days shaving

    personally i regually miss a couple days and i dont really notice any extra pull, i do on one of my razors but not on another one

  8. #7
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    I've been using a shavette recently. I haven't noticed much difference with the length of my stubble, but I notice a big difference when the blade is getting a little blunt. I've been getting 3 shaves out of each half of a wilkinson sword blade, the 3rd being much less comfortable. I don't want to risk a 4th. I'm not sure if other brands last longer as I haven't tried others.

  9. #8
    (John Ayers in SRP Facebook Group) CaliforniaCajun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    I skip a day here and there and my facial skin feels a little relief from the daily regimen. Recently have had pneumonia and about over it now. Didn't shave for 4 or 5 days. When I did it was real nice. Maybe a bit more difficult. Not sure. I know every other day is nice IME. I think once you get a really good shave ready sure enough straight razor you'll see a positive difference.
    Pneumonia is considered an excused absence from shaving.

    What may seem off the wall to many people is the fact that straight razor shaving is easier on my face than other kinds of razors for use on a daily basis.

    I turned to DE razors because of the irritation caused by cartridge razors, then went to the straight because I always wanted to try it. The slant bar razor is easier on my face among all the DE razors.

    It seems like the older methods of shaving are the best way all around. If my experience is any indication, every time somebody tries to improve shaving technology, they raise the cost and make the experience worse.

  10. #9
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    Thank you all. If nothing else, this has taught me just how much the weight of a real blade will help. I'm doing my best to stay within my bounds and learn as I go- I'm really REALLY glad I didn't just jump into an expensive blade first. I've had five shaves with my DE and only one tiny cut this morning- I saw it happen. I just changed direction too quickly without lifting the blade away first. D'oh!

    I think I'm leaning towards a 6/8 full hollow, though I've been nudged towards 1/2 hollow. Round tip. I'd like some good weight to it. Probably stainless, but thats because I'm a traditionalist.

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  11. #10
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    So after all that I ended up going with a Dovo BQ 5/8 with strop set from SRD. I've shaved a couple of times with it with very good success. I'm learning to strop now, and its coming along.

    One thing I'm not crazy about is my pre shave oil. I'm using the oil from Art of Shaving. It's very thick, and I just don't really like it. Any recommendations, or is that just what it's like?

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