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Thread: First razor on a budget

  1. #11
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    Can't go wrong with Whipped Dog. I have bought two razors from Larry and a W&B blade. Great guy! They are also selling a new Dovo 6/8 for $100. Worth looking at.

  2. #12
    Senior Member Chreees's Avatar
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    I went the Whipped Dog route. Got the sight unseen razor, silvertip badger brush and soap set, poor man's strop, and micro abrasive hone for $101 shipped. I feel good about the purchase and can't wait to get it! It'll be my FIRST straight razor experience. I'll let you know how it is when it gets here if you're still deciding then. Hasn't shipped yet, but should soon. I just hope I get a nice razor, which I'm sure I will based off of reviews I've read thus far. Larry seems like a great guy. Email communication has been amazing.
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  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chreees View Post
    I went the Whipped Dog route. Got the sight unseen razor, silvertip badger brush and soap set, poor man's strop, and micro abrasive hone for $101 shipped. I feel good about the purchase and can't wait to get it! It'll be my FIRST straight razor experience. I'll let you know how it is when it gets here if you're still deciding then. Hasn't shipped yet, but should soon. I just hope I get a nice razor, which I'm sure I will based off of reviews I've read thus far. Larry seems like a great guy. Email communication has been amazing.
    The part that always worries me is "I hope I'll get a nice razor". I guess that's the chance you take buying "sight unseen"
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  4. #14
    Senior Member Chreees's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catrentshaving View Post
    The part that always worries me is "I hope I'll get a nice razor". I guess that's the chance you take buying "sight unseen"
    Right, and I totally agree. But I could not find a SINGLE person who was unhappy with what they received from Larry. Plus, he'll let you trade if you get one you don't like. That's why I was comfortable with the purchase.

  5. #15
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    I got my first from Larry as well. Great dealing with him and I have been very happy with what he sent me. It is a great way to start IMO.

  6. #16
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    I am well aware of RAD. I had RAD with DE which I probably have about 8 DE razors and more blades, soaps, and creams that I could use in 3 lifetimes. With a straight razor, I will eventually have more than one but they are not cheap.
    If I buy one now, it will be my razor for at least 3 years so I am not sure if I would be happy with a fully function "unseen" razor that isn't close to new looking but the savings is attractive.

    Has anyone actually posted samples of these "unseen" razors?
    I know they all are different but I just want to get an idea off what I could be looking at. The photos on the whipped dog are few and imo not super great (sorry Larry).

  7. #17
    Senior Member Chreees's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joepa150 View Post
    I am well aware of RAD. I had RAD with DE which I probably have about 8 DE razors and more blades, soaps, and creams that I could use in 3 lifetimes. With a straight razor, I will eventually have more than one but they are not cheap.
    If I buy one now, it will be my razor for at least 3 years so I am not sure if I would be happy with a fully function "unseen" razor that isn't close to new looking but the savings is attractive.

    Has anyone actually posted samples of these "unseen" razors?
    I know they all are different but I just want to get an idea off what I could be looking at. The photos on the whipped dog are few and imo not super great (sorry Larry).
    Unfortunately I could not find any photos of what folks have received for their sight unseen orders. Kinda weird, to be honest. It's as if people are not posting pics of them simply because Larry does not, lol. Either way, I still have not seen any negative posts about what people received. So that should tell you that the savings are worth it, especially if you're new and starting out, like I am. Also, I keep seeing people here recommend getting at least two razors, so that you always have a shave ready one on hand (while the other one can be sent off to be honed or fixed, etc.). If you do decide to get two, then Larry's deal becomes even better, as you're getting two razors for the typical price of just one on a lot of sites. I am lucky and my brother is giving me his straight razor in a couple weeks, so combined with my sight unseen razor I will be receiving in approximately a week, I'll have two razors to work with, like I've seen suggested on here so many times. Not to mention a couple friends who shave in this fashion (one owns two straight razors, the other has an entire collection of vintage straights lol).

    But yes, give me about a week or maybe less and I'll let you know what I get from Larry. I have no problem posting pics. Again, if you do not wish to wait on my review, then I think you should be comfortable ordering anyway. Larry is an extremely nice guy who seems to be in this for the love and passion for the hobby, not the money.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chreees View Post
    Unfortunately I could not find any photos of what folks have received for their sight unseen orders. Kinda weird, to be honest. It's as if people are not posting pics of them simply because Larry does not, lol. Either way, I still have not seen any negative posts about what people received. So that should tell you that the savings are worth it, especially if you're new and starting out, like I am. Also, I keep seeing people here recommend getting at least two razors, so that you always have a shave ready one on hand (while the other one can be sent off to be honed or fixed, etc.). If you do decide to get two, then Larry's deal becomes even better, as you're getting two razors for the typical price of just one on a lot of sites. I am lucky and my brother is giving me his straight razor in a couple weeks, so combined with my sight unseen razor I will be receiving in approximately a week, I'll have two razors to work with, like I've seen suggested on here so many times. Not to mention a couple friends who shave in this fashion (one owns two straight razors, the other has an entire collection of vintage straights lol).

    But yes, give me about a week or maybe less and I'll let you know what I get from Larry. I have no problem posting pics. Again, if you do not wish to wait on my review, then I think you should be comfortable ordering anyway. Larry is an extremely nice guy who seems to be in this for the love and passion for the hobby, not the money.
    Did you get the unseen for $41 or the unseen with blemishes for $28?

    Also you must have some badass friends and family. Most of the people I know shave with disposable razors such as Mach 3s. They think I am nutz because I shave with a safety razor lol.

  9. #19
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    Here is the $41 I got from Larry a week or so ago.

  10. #20
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    That's a lot of money for a letter opener. Because in all honesty, it's not good for much else.
    One can only hope that enough people show off their 'sight unseen' razors.
    It might warn the others.

    Sight unseen is probably the only way to get that amount of money for that kind of razor.
    Last edited by Bruno; 02-27-2013 at 07:12 PM.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  11. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Bruno For This Useful Post:

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